
configuring GTW0

A project log for Long Range Weather Station (65€)

A cheap but precise Weather Station (Lora transmission)

jp-gleyzesJP Gleyzes 09/09/2023 at 09:470 Comments

Your GTW0 is the one which is connected to internet and which synchronizes the weather station (and other GTWs if a wider Rezodo network is in use).

To configure the GTW0 we have to set up the Wifi credentials and the frequency of sensors measurements.

This is done by touching the TP1 pad on the PCB and (while touching the pad) resetting the ESP32

Then a web access point will pop up on which you can connect your smartphone

Connect to this hotspot then enter

  1. a valid wifi ssid and password
  2. the frequency to wakeup your weather station in minutes

that's it !
