
Iterative progress. Refining the model for the case.

A project log for Thumb Term

Battery powered Linux-terminal handheld with front and rear inputs, 4.3" DSI LCD, a Pi 3A+, and GPIO breakout. WIP.

dan-a8ksh4Dan (a8ksh4) 07/15/2023 at 19:500 Comments

I want to finish the design for the case before I solder everything up, so that's what I'm doing this morning.  I've been having a lot of trouble removing supports  from the intricate part of the front panel that fits between the keyboard keys, so I've opted to split these plates out into separate parts, hoping that's a little more clean and simple.

It can be tricky going back and making changes like this to a complicated model.  I try to make simple changes to the existing drawings and extrusions, and then add blocks of additional changes to that.... hard to explain.  Just have to keep things organized or the cad model can get unmaintainable very quickly.

Aside from that, it's gotten a few  small updates:

I just did a quick assembly of the last set of prints and it's too thin to fit the battery.   I'm not sure how that happened, but I need to add 2mm depth to the front panel to make it work.  Getting closer anyway!  Another print shortly.
