
Wires Everywhere

A project log for Toddler's Cyberdeck

I'm built a cyberdeck for my son. He was 2 when I built it. He's still using it today.

joshJosh 07/17/2023 at 17:280 Comments

Yesterday I got a set of breadboard hook up wires. I like to use these because they're already in ribbons and include the pins I can plug directly into the Arduino. A simple lunch task was pulling the ribbons apart in groups according to the switch and LED groups unplugging them into the proper place on the Arduino. 

After work today I will get out the hot glue gun and start fixing them in place. Hot glue is great because it holds pretty well and I can peel it off later if needed. I'm tempted to super glue the groups together to make plugs but we'll see if I need to do that; they're wedged in pretty tight right now.
