
Mr. Sparky

A high voltage do nothing based on Anthony Garofalo's (Proto G) "EPROM MAN"

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Sometimes you need to create something that do nothing more than amuses you. This insides are mostly for show. Just parts I had in my junque drawer. The HV transformer is a generic one that can be found on most online shopping site. They're advertised as 400KV but I only measured 12KV sustained.

Safety 3rd!
The circuit requires both N.O. switches to be press simultaneously. I positioned so the user's fingers or hand shouldn't be placed in the circuit. Otherwise they might drop it and break it.

Don't worry this puts out plenty of wide band RF noise. Enough to glitch a nearby Raspberry Pi.


Video of Mr. Sparky running.

quicktime - 7.52 MB - 07/16/2023 at 20:42


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Don wrote 07/16/2023 at 20:44 point

Uploaded a video to the files.

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Steph wrote 07/16/2023 at 20:39 point

I’d love to see a video of the action.

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