Under water microscopy
07/25/2023 at 09:24 • 0 commentsI have added a tub, glued from plastic sheets to my EDM machine:
and installed the windshield washer pump from a car to flush the drilling site with water. I got the pump from the scrap dealer around the corner for 5 euros. So that the water doesn't splash too much and the pump doesn't overheat during continuous operation, only 3.3V are applied to the terminals:
To make you see what difference the flushing makes, I had to prepare my microscope for under water operation. A short steel tube with a glass bottom does the job:
With an extension of the tub, I am now prepared to record under water timelapse videos with my microscope:
The video on EDM hole drlling microscopy is online
07/22/2023 at 08:38 • 0 commentsIt took a while to record all the microscope images of spark erosion and put all of them into a video, but I hope, that the result gives you a totally new view on the EDM process:
EDM through a microscope
07/18/2023 at 19:14 • 0 commentsI am working on a video showing the impact of sparks on hardened steel with huge magnification.
The first strike leaves a crater of impressive 0.7mm:
99 "shots" are needed until the 1mm drill finally dives into the blade with no more sparks forming:
No perfect result, yet.
First, experimental setup
07/17/2023 at 07:25 • 0 commentsI have created a first, very experimental setup of an Electrtical Discharge Machine:
It works, in general and drills holes in a razor blade. Nothing more, yet.
Future chapters will:
- give you a close look on the process
- add flushing
- dive into the electronics part (the core element of an EDM)
- deal with different materials (electrode as well as materials to be processed)