
Testing CMSIS - DAPLink

A project log for Felini - Revolutionary Pocket-Sized Electronic Lab

Extremely affordable pocket-friendly, designed to provide a wide range of hardware testing and debugging functions in a compact and low-cost

chu-tien-thinh-obitvnChu Tien Thinh (obitvn) 08/07/2023 at 09:140 Comments

When I started concept prototype of Felini, I wanted to quickly determine if the Felini project idea was actually viable, and one of the parts I thought was the hardest part was implementing a DAPLink suite on esp32s3 , which no one has ever done before.

And I got lucky, DAPLink runs stable on esp32s3 with cherryusb stack. At the time I started testing DAPLink porting on esp32s3 (March-2023), cherryusb stack only supported esp32s2, and I had to overcome another challenge, which was implementing cherryusb on esp32s3.
As you can see, DAPLink works on Felini, with an intuitive pin connection interface on the screen, no need for diagrams, extremely simple to use.

DAPLink shows up on windows as CheryCMSIS-DAP and comes with a usb to serial portDAPLink shows up on windows as CheryCMSIS-DAP and comes with a usb to serial port.

And as expected it works with openocd.
