
Tertiarm - 3d printed robot arm

This is low cost 3d printed robot arm based on Ikea Tertial lamp.

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This is a 3D printed robot arm based on Ikea Tertial lamp.
I use lamp because it has very good kinematic with using springs to unload servos.
I cut all beam, but you can use any length.
It has 5 DOF and use 5 standart size servo.
You can find list of all components and printing part in BOM.
It cost about $60 for me and use small amount of plastic. I haven't done any instruction yet, but I will be happy to answer all your question.

Now I am trying to make some isntruction and new code to use it in cartesian coordinate system

You can find STL files at Thingiverse

Lifting power test video:

Distance between base and attaching point: 500mm

Weight: 0.5kg

Lifting power of Tertiarm depends on configuration of spring. In this test I use 4 standart Ikea springs.


Bill of materials

sheet - 10.50 kB - 01/03/2017 at 10:13


  • 1 × Take a look at BOM
  • 1 × Arduino or other controller
  • 1 × 5 - 6v 50W or more power supply

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Discussions wrote 01/04/2017 at 17:14 point

Thank you! I will do it soon.

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Michael Shaub wrote 01/04/2017 at 16:49 point

very cool! Would you be willing to test how much weight it can lift?

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