
Polar Sketcher

A new pen plotter design that doesn't occupy much space and works on polar coordinates.

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A new pen plotter design that doesn't occupy much space and works on polar coordinates.

The idea came to me as I participated in Mark Rober's Creative Engineering Class. I liked the idea of describing points in space with polar coordinates. So I thought it would be fun to create a plotter that would visually show the "effect".

I faced many challenges since I built the initial prototype, and gladly so because now I have a whole arsenal of new skills that will most definitely be incredibly useful for the upcoming projects. I'm one step closer to a well rounded engineer.

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Dieter Moser wrote 08/26/2023 at 17:16 point

Good project,  for sure a lot of challenges.   Good idea to put it on a  desk corner.   

I made also a polar pen plotter prototype  - my intention was to make a very cheap  and minimal plotter - but with the intention to make it easy scaleable -  all points are valid for your ideas , too .   Congratulations.

I wrote  my own Arduino Software and graphic functions etc. 

You can find the following videos of it on Youtube under my name  'dmemos'

Simple huge Penplotter DIY low cost   



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