
CAD model update - Inconsistency of Amazon PEG Board

A project log for Gambit

A robotic chess board

mark-austinMark Austin 02/01/2025 at 12:300 Comments

The PEG board we used for prototyping was sourced from Amazon, with specifications of 600mm × 600mm and M6 holes spaced 25mm apart.

However, we soon discovered that the hole spacing was not 25mm but varied inconsistently, ranging from 25.75mm to 27.65mm. To be fair, it was advertised for hanging hammers on a garage wall—not for prototyping a chessboard! 🙂

Initially, we tried incorporating the inconsistent PEG board into our model, but it caused accuracy issues when positioning components like the motor mount and GT2 idler mounts.

So, we laser-cut an MDF board to our exact specifications: 600mm × 600mm with M6 holes and **precise** 25mm spacing. This gave us a great excuse to learn new manufacturing techniques.



We then re-centered all of our CAD models to align with the consistent spacing, making it much easier to move and adjust components. This was important to us because we want this project to be as reproducible as possible—keeping an inconsistent PEG board just didn’t make sense. That said, it does make for a nice keepsake.

Improved board:

Updates: Board.dxf has been added to the files section!
