

A robotic chess board

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Gambit is a robotic chess board that utilizes magnetism for piece movement and movement detection. It employs an electromagnet on an H-Bot mechanism for piece movement and a reed switch matrix to accurately track piece positions. The core of Gambit is powered by an Arduino Nano ESP32, and it is primarily constructed using 3D printing.

The Arduino Nano ESP32 provides the potential for future Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling connections to powerful chess engines and allowing for game recording capabilities through a companion app.

  • 1 × Arduino Nano ESP32
  • 2 × Nema 17 Stepper Motor ‎MX-SM423201
  • 2 × A4988 Stepper Motor Driver
  • 1 × MGN9H 400mm Linear Rail
  • 1 × Clear Acrylic Sheet 3mm 500x500mm

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Peabody1929 wrote 09/07/2023 at 18:23 point

It looks like the pieces are on top of the plastic sheet and the movement mechanism is under the plastic sheet.  Correct?  Is there a way to sense which piece is on a square?  Or from the starting chess board setup, is it a requirement that Gambit moves all pieces?.

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Peabody1929 wrote 09/04/2023 at 17:39 point

Interesting!  Please show pictures of how Gambit picks up pieces and puts them down.  A side view of the board would be great.

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Jonathan Good wrote 09/05/2023 at 15:36 point

Thanks for interest in the project! It uses an electro magnet with each of the 3D printed pieces having a magnet placed inside, I can send a photo next time I am in the lab.

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