
Firmware for Boxclock from

At Makerfaire Hannover 2023 a kit for a wordclock was distributed but the software is missing, until now ...

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Some friends and i exhibited different projects at Makerfaire Hannover 2023 (Germany). Part of the package was a goodie bag with a DIY kit for a word clock.

This word clock is just a Wemos D1 mini, some WS2812 and a paper box to put it in. What is missing? ... Right, the software. You can also buy the kit from "" with a pre programmed MCU, but you can't get the firmware.

So i wrote my own firmware, just out of spite. It is horrible spaghetti code and the fancy app is missing, but at least you can get it here.


The Arduino sketch for the word clock.

ino - 7.17 kB - 09/02/2023 at 00:00


  • 1 × Wemos D1 mini
  • 25 × WS2812

  • 1
    Get a kit.

    You get a piece of wood with the schematic engaved into it. The Electronics and wires as well as a box, dividers to prevent crosstalk between the leds and two overlays for the wordclock. The firmware only works for the word clock, so that decision is easy.

  • 2
    Glue and solder everything together.

    Glue the led stripes to the wood. Make sure the led stripes are oriented in a way so that they snake up the board. Do not change their position.

    The Wemos D1 is glued with a big splasch of hotglue to the wood.

    Solder the led stripes together: 

    VDD -> VDD

    GND -> GND 

    Dout -> Din

    After that solder the begining of the led stripe to the Wemos D1:

    VDD -> VDD

    GND -> GND

    D4 (Wemos D1) -> Din (led stripe)

  • 3
    Put it in the box.

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