Ported to Visual 6502
01/16/2017 at 22:56 • 1 commentI've ported Atomchess 6502 to Visual6502, just follow this big URL and play with it in your browser :) (running at 123hz or 15 minutes per move, even slower if you enable the graphic view).
Atomchess 6502 running with Visual6502
Press play but before push the button "Trace less" to be faster.
Also the source code now includes the assembly option.
Once the chessboard appears, enter your move as D2D4 (no enter, no spaces)
Demostration video
01/13/2017 at 21:11 • 0 commentsNow that the contest is over, I've put together a demostration video including explanation, excuse my English! :)
Online emulation
01/07/2017 at 03:54 • 0 commentsJust found an interesting Atari emulator online to play Atomchess 6502 right away.
From https://github.com/nanochess/Atomchess-6502/blob/master/toledo_atomchess_6502.asm select all the source code and press Ctrl+C, then open the emulator at http://8bitworkshop.com and click on left side, press Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+V and et voila! :)
Amazingly this nifty project assembles all the source code right away and does syntax coloring, then the emulator runs it in real time.
It works in real hardware :)
01/05/2017 at 21:27 • 0 commentsJust tested over an Atari clone (the expansion Module 1 of Colecovision) and it works just fine. I've put a picture in the gallery.
I've had to adjust the color for black pieces because there were essentially invisible, also the debouncing for joystick wasn't enough so added some rules like only white can be selected and cannot capture white, finally the computer playing sound was kind of harsh so I made it to fade off.
Hello world
01/04/2017 at 18:57 • 0 commentsI bite the bullet and uploaded the first working version of Atomchess 6502 for Atari VCS/2600.
The port from my x86 version took 3 hours and another 2 hours this morning to debug, the visuals were coded last night in a crazy 3 hours and I'm happy because the vertical synchro generates exact 262 lines.
Still going to test in real hardware, it should work just fine because Stella is a very good emulator.