Some profesional and quite some DIY projects exist (link). See here my idea with a list of all core elements I plan to use to create a low cost, DIY full 6D space mouse:
- Sensors
- 3x 3D magnet field sensors (QMC5883L)
- 6D IMU (MPU6050)
- 2 push buttons
- Board/Processor: Xiao ESP32S3
- dual core, up to 240MHz
- Bluetooth low energy, WiFi
- Battery management included
- Others
- 600mA LiPo
- 3x 2x5 round neodym magnets
- 3x 10mm (stiff) springs
- 3D printed housing, CNC milled PCB
- Metal block for weight
- Software/Firmware
- Open Source Firmware (C++, Arduin)
- Open Source Softrware / PC driver (python)
See more on my github pages or the gitbub repository.