

A project log for Galaxy6D: simple DIY full 6D space mouse

Full 6D mouse by three 3D magnetic sensors and magnets. 3D printed housing, ESP32S with battery operation over BLE as well as USB-C.

bastelbausBastelBaus 09/17/2023 at 13:340 Comments

I use different 3D tools for my hobby and always struggle to switch between the different keys to push to move around the objects around. I though of using a 6D knob would be very handy and tested the well known professional version at a friend of mine. Really col but 200€ is far to much and so I thought I can build one of my own. I started to search arround the internet and found that there are several enthusiast as me who started the same endeavour:

Components are ordered and I will try to take you with me on this journey!


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