
Turning a LTE router into a versatile hacking tool

JioFi, a compact LTE router, I aim to transform it into a versatile hacking tool. Leveraging its USB and Wi-Fi hotspot capabilities

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I Fu*ked up,
sbl got corrupted then stuck in edl
after recovering sbl, it crashes at boot
then tried to do in edl manually
shorted wrong pad
its now ded :(
if anyone reading this and have spare JioFi 3 and willing to give it to me
shoot me a mail at

JioFi 3 (JMR540 & JMR541) a compact LTE router, the goal is to archive its full potential as a versatile hacking tool. With its built-in USB and Wi-Fi hotspot features, the primary objective is to manipulate the firmware, enabling it to accept custom binary extensions, which can be conveniently loaded through an SD card.

By introducing these custom binary extensions, the JioFi router can gain a wide array of capabilities, including USB ducking for keystroke injection, packet sniffing, and various other functions, the possibility is endless.

Device Model JMR540 & JMR541
CPU mdm9607
CPU Architecture armv7
OS The Yocto Project
Kernel little-endian
Kernel Version 3.18.20


└── .
    ├── boot.img -> Android bootimg, kernel, page size: 2048, cmdline (noinitrd  rw console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=qcom ehci-hcd.park=3 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=)
    ├── cache.img -> ISO-8859 text, with very long lines (65536), with no line terminators
    ├── efs2.img -> empty
    ├── fota.img -> ISO-8859 text, with very long lines (65536), with no line terminators
    ├── foxusr.img -> UBI image, version 1
    ├── fwinfo.img -> data
    ├── misc.img -> ISO-8859 text, with very long lines (65536), with no line terminators
    ├── modem_bak.img -> UBI image, version 1
    ├── modem.img -> UBI image, version 1
    ├── recoveryfs.img -> UBI image, version 1
    ├── recovery.img -> Android bootimg, kernel, page size: 2048, cmdline (noinitrd  rw console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=qcom ehci-hcd.park=3 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=)
    ├── sbl.img -> empty
    ├── scrub.img -> ISO-8859 text, with very long lines (65536), with no line terminators
    ├── sec.img -> data
    ├── system.img -> UBI image, version 1
    └── system_unlocked.img -> UBI image, version 1 (the one I am modding)

Download Full Firmware at


The Image which I will be modifying

x-raw-disk-image - 38.69 MB - 09/25/2023 at 17:08


  • 1 × JMR540 JMR540 & JMR541 are identical

  • 1
    Step 1: Unpack & Repack


    • ubireader
    • mkfs.ubifs and ubinize (search how to install them)

    Step 1.1: Unpack system_unlocked.img

    ubireader_extract_images system_unlocked.img -o system_u
    cd ./system_u/system_unlocked.img/ 

    Now you will get a file with a .ubifs extension.
    In my case, it's "img-35657280_vol-rootfs.ubifs"

    Step 1.2: Unpack ubifs

    ubireader_extract_files -k -o ./rootfs img-35657280_vol-rootfs.ubifs 

    You will now have a folder named "rootfs" containing all system files.

    Step 1.3: <Modify Firmware>

    Step 1.4: Repack .ubifs

    mkfs.ubifs -m 2048 -e 126976 -c 1073 -x lzo -f 8 -k r5 -p 1 -l 5 -F -r ./rootfs/ rootfs.ubivol

    Set up the config.ini file:

    touch config.ini
    echo "[rootfs-volume]
    vol_name=rootfs" > config.ini

    Change the "vol_size" value when the firmware is modified. Keep it as is unless you encounter size-related errors.

    If you do encounter size-related errors, the error will have the 'vol_size' that needs to be set.

    Step 1.5: Repack img

    ubinize -p 131072 -m 2048 -o system_m.img ./config.ini

    You will now have the modified firmware (system_m.img) ready to be flashed using fastboot.

    Step 1.6: Flash using fastboot

    How to Boot in Fastboot:

    • Remove battery from JioFi 3
    • Locate reset pin hole button
    • Lay down JioFi 3
    • Use Paper Clip / SIM Ejector Tool to press button inside (using sharp object is not recommended)
    • Keep pressing button down and insert USB cable
    • Release button as soon as all the LEDs in Display turns RED. This means device is in boot loader mode
    fastboot erase system && fastboot flash system system_m.img && fastboot reboot 

View all instructions

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drcyberg wrote 12/30/2023 at 07:32 point


gamil? :-)

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shashankx86 wrote 02/13/2024 at 12:17 point

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