
TTL to RS422/485 Converter Board

Cost effective and reliable TTL to RS422/485 conversion. Small and budget-friendly - your solution to common communication needs!

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After searching for a budget friendly TTL to RS422/485 converter board I was astonished to only find products that were $45 plus and bulky for such a simple and common use case.

This lead me to design this TTL to RS422/485 converter board for interfacing microcontrollers to industrial sensors and controllers.

The design features:
- Full duplex communication with the Texas Instruments SN65HVD33 transceiver, ensuring seamless full-duplex communication.
- Two dedicated ground reference pins for RS422/485 output. This not only enhances signal quality but also reduces the risk of noise interference, making your data communication smoother.
- 120 Ohm termination resistors for improved signal integrity
- ESD protection on all signal pins
- Compact 40mm x 25mm design
- Professional and easy to use Molex 6-pin Picoblade connectors. These are extremely common with pre-crimped cables readily available.

RS422 Transceiver Board.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 152.28 kB - 10/06/2023 at 11:04


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