

A gamepad utilizing the RP2040 Microcontroller. Comes in low-cost and high-performance versions.

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This project contains the development log, instructions, source files, and additional information about a gamepad designed utilizing the Raspberry Pico's focal microcontroller, the RP2040.

The gamepad was originally designed as a board to teach reflow soldering at my university makerspaces, but also contains a second variant of the design that I made for myself.

The gamepad was originally intended to be a microcontroller breakout board, students taking the soldering practice exercise get given a useful microcontroller that they can utilize in their projects after being inducted into the makerspace. After its initial revisions, I expanded the scope of the project to allow for something I would want to use (The type A version, made for students, is limited).

If you're interested in a low-cost gamepad, Picopad-A is for you. It costs roughly $2.5 in scale to produce, otherwise, type-B is pricey, but does a whole lot more.


  • Type A: Designed for the UNSW Makerspaces, as a soldering induction board. Low cost (literal bare minimum), intended for large scale manufacture.
  • Type B: Designed for a general audience (and myself), larger board, better quality components, better firmware, higher performance. 

Features (A):

  • Raspberry Pi compatible* 2x20 Pinheader
  • Functional D-Pad (4-button) & A+B controls
  • Functions as a NES style game controller over USB-C
  • Can be programmed to perform as a microcontroller for general purpose applications
  • 16Mbit Flash Memory
  • Firmware has been designed for minimal user interaction (less configuration)

Features (B, not yet released):

  • Breakout I2C, SPI header
  • OLED display connector (16-Pin)
  • 2x Joysticks, 4x D-pad (4-button) & A+B+C+D controls
  • Better performance GPIO lines
  • Battery Charger & Protection Circuitry
  • 128Mbit Flash Memory
  • Bluetooth wireless functionality (Optional DNP pads)  
  • Configurable button mappings
  • High quality buttons, large form factor switches w/ Low latency IO buffer registration

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