For two months, we have been collecting and analyzing statistics for the pilot batch of the charity product GGreg20_ES – Epoxy souvenir Geiger counter and have come to the conclusion that we can significantly reduce the price of this wonderful product. And that is what we have done today.
The rest of the project parameters remain unchanged. As a reminder, within the project, we are removing non-working Geiger tubes from the market and donating half of the profits from the sale of GGreg20_ES to defense and charity projects in Ukraine.
So we invite you to order GGreg20_ES at the new price on our website and on the Etsy store. Please note that orders are temporarily unavailable on Tindie as our Tindie store is moving to the US . Please follow the news and updates on our website in this regard.
Also, please note that our stores are offering holiday discounts until the end of the year.
We launch “Cyber Monday” campaign from 24.11 to 30.11 and set 10% discount when buying any of our modules on and Tindie and Etsy trading platforms.
Pay attention to our charity product GGreg20_ES
As well as our popular modules:
GGreg20_V3 radioactive particle detector with J305 Geiger tube
DCDC_3V3_400V_V1 module is a high voltage 3.3V DC to 400V converter: dcdc_3v3_400v_v1.
I2CUI4_V1 User Interface – I2C module with 5-button keypad: i2cui4_v1
Today (on Nov 9 2023 actually) a very pleasant event happened for us.
The first Epoxy Souvenir Geiger counter #GGreg20_ES has been ordered via @tindie by our user and is getting ready to go to California, USA.
Thank you, Mark!
We really appreciate and feel your support for Ukraine.
We will continue to write about these charitable activities. We also plan to create a dedicated page on our website (and here, on Hackaday) with information and reports about this project.
As a reminder, the GGreg20_ES project helps to clear the market of non-working Geiger tubes and donates half of the profits to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other defense projects.
The souvenir Geiger counter GGreg20_ES is a charity product. A bar made of transparent, non-toxic epoxy resin with powerful UV filters contains embedded DIY electronics. By ordering such a souvenir, you participate in two good causes at once together with the IoT-devices team