Closing... For Now
11/16/2023 at 21:23 • 0 commentsHello there. I made a grave mistake.
So... I forgot to tell JBLPCB to plate the OLED vias and now that the WEMOS is on the PCB I can't pull it off. For now, I am stopping development on this project while I design a new board and order new components. I will post logs every once in a while to update you.
See you later.
Soldering begins...
11/15/2023 at 20:32 • 0 commentsWell... I've started soldering the boards. Yesterday, I soldered the pins on the WEMOS board upside down, so now I have to put it on the wrong side. The battery board is also malfunctioning a little, or at least the pins are. You see, I put two vias on the PCB, one goes to ground, and the other is 5V. For some reason, the solder doesn't want to stick to the pins on my board. I think my 20-watt soldering iron may have something to do with it.
As I am writing this while waiting for my soldering iron to heat up, and as it is now done, I will end this log here.
Uh oh....
11/11/2023 at 16:12 • 0 commentsUh, so I switched from Ubuntu to Archcraft... and when I backed up my Ubuntu install I uploaded the files to the service Blomp... and now my files are gone, including the schematics for this build and multiple others. Fortunately, I still have a slightly older PCB file on the GitHub and probably a Gerber file from JBLPCB. Long story short, I am missing a lot of data. I won't be using Blomp again, and you shouldn't either.
The PCBs... But wait there's more.
11/11/2023 at 02:30 • 0 commentsThe PCBs are here, after two weeks, I think.
But wait, there's more? I ordered five boards from JBLPCB but as you can see, I have 6. Hmmm, I'll be ordering from them again.
That's all for now
Hello again, goodbye again
11/04/2023 at 12:42 • 0 commentsWell... I've been inactive again. And I'm about to be again. I am using again too much. So, Since my last update I:
- Made a case prototype, I am trying to figure out how to attach a watch band, Right now I will probably insert rods through pieces sticking out of the case. That wasn't a good description.
- Finished the PCB (I think this was in my last log) and ordered five PCBs from JBLPCB, which are en route from hong kong by way of global standard shipping.
- Purchased all Parts from AliExpress except the battery (I got the battery board) for a total of $24.88, I went over budget so I will order the battery later.
Goodbye for now.
Oh, and, I am going to be inactive from today till Monday.
The PCB is done
10/26/2023 at 13:53 • 0 commentsWell, the PCB is done. I really completed this board on Monday..., but we're not going to talk about that. I have decided to hot glue the oled on the board in stead of using unreliable hand-measured measurements. Next, I'm going to design the case, and hope that it fits. There is a library in my area that charges 20 ¢ per gram (ether the object or the filament, I'm not sure) for 3d printing, I plan to use them to print the case.
I'm Back.
10/26/2023 at 00:47 • 0 comments10/25/23
Hello again, I'm back. A incident that resulted in my portable SSD running a full install of Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS being carelessly thrown about ten feet across a large room on to plywood covered with carpet while still booted into the OS (on sleep mode, it was unplugged from a laptop) caused a me to take a short hiatus to do OS repairs.
The Ubuntu is running smoothly now and I'm back to working this project. The PCB was actually completed on (minus the oled mounting holes) was completed on Monday shortly before said mishap.
Since then I have:
- Worked on completing the .csv containing all the components, suppliers and the prices and shipping rates (These prices will be references for around how much the parts cost, prices may very.).
- Looked at the PCB and reviewed for any problems
- Updated the hackaday repository (I still don't know, if someone actually reads this and knows please tell me is it a product page or a repository?) and wrote the log that you are reading now.
Update 10/22/23
10/22/2023 at 20:12 • 0 commentsSo far at 3:50 PM I have:
- 1. Revamped the PCB, fixed the resistor vias and added vias for the Wemos battery shield (More on that later).
2. Figured out how to make this fully portable (well, kind of, I have been planning on using the Shield since I thought about using the D1 board) The Wemos Battery shield will be connected to the to the main board using wires soldered to the vias in the bottom left of the board from the bottom. It will probably be shoved in the bottom of the case (More on that in 3) The resistor will be connected in a similar manner.
3. Thought/solved power delivery situation, as I said, I will be using the Wemos battery shield (From now on we're calling that "wbs") to make it portable, but that brings us to the next easily solvable problem. I'm actually not being sarcastic, maybe, I think I can power through the Type-C on the main Wemos board.
Bye for now. -
A little late to start logging
10/22/2023 at 12:29 • 0 comments10/22/23
I have been working on this project for a few days now and had this idea for months. So basically over 12 hours of stuff that should have been logged was lost, here is the simplified version:
- I tried copying the pin-outs on (Tuesday I think) the deauther documentation, but they were for a NodeMCU. Now never having made a schematic before I tried to switch, after trying to figure out a battery to the a NodeMCU after the whole thing with the button footprints and finding that my footprint libraries didn't match.
- I created a new KiCAD project and tried to find a footprint and schematic for a NodeMCU I found one, but, I didn't check it before, It was a esp32 version. I created an entire schematic and single-sided PCB, revamped them, only to find that they were all useless. This was probably four hours of work.
- Momentary back to the Wemos, like, for 30 minutes.
- I tried the Adafruit Huzzah because of the integrated LiPoly battery connector but gave up after trying to translate the pins.
- Read Spacehun's Hackheld docs and went back to the Wemos by looking at how he/she (I'm not sure) connected the components drew a (I hope) functioning schematic and then a PCB, and, great news it costs $2 (£1.64 or €1.89) for 5 double-sided two layer boards (I will make a graphic showing what I mean by double-sided)
- I put a Open Source Hardware logo on the PCB and made this (repository? I'm sure what to call this page) log as well as created an account (Finally, after 7 months of listening to the podcast and reading Hackaday).