Intention is to set up entire system sending dummy data to get base programming completed prior to any functional testing. Researched existing documents to get a reasonable base line for initial calculations and expected sensor readings.
- alpha = f(Pfwd/P45)
- See FAA TC18-7 Fig 33 to get following formula. Going to set up for a quadratic formula in the future even though this one is linear.
fRatio = fPfwd/fP45; #define A 0.0 #define B -16.908083 #define C 42.415008 fAlpha = A*fRatio*fRatio + B*fRatio + C
- See FAA TC18-7 Fig 33 to get following formula. Going to set up for a quadratic formula in the future even though this one is linear.
- Output voltage vs Pressure from MPX10 documentation graph below. Using linear fit at +25C gives following equation
#define A .0419 #define B -0.8279 fPSI = A*fVolts + B

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