Notes from TC18-7
11/04/2023 at 22:39 • 0 comments//-- ALPHA 2 Right Wing Flight Test Calibration Curve
//-- Linear from DAB 5-26/27-2015 Alpha = A*(Pfwd/P45) + BA = -16.908083; // These values must be adjusted for individual
B = 42.415008; // probes and probe locations
pfwdnoload = 8162.9; //counts Adjust these values for
p45noload = 8186.6; //counts the individual sensorspfwdcorr = pfwd - pfwdnoload; // Account for no load
p45corr = p45 - p45noload; // Account for noloadpfwd_p45 = pfwdcorr/p45corr;
It's unclear, but appears that noload is the static value from the pressure sensor. Also note this is a different pressure sensor. Also, note that linear approximation used. Seemed like paper suggested power law fit.
Pressure Sensor Notes
11/04/2023 at 21:39 • 0 commentsPin 1 is the notched pin.
Pin 1 GND 1 Ground
Pin 2 +VOUT 2 + Voltage output
Pin 3 VS 3 Power supply
Pin 4 –VOUT 4 – Voltage outputSupply voltage 3V typical (6 max)
Supply Current 6 mANote that some temperature compensation may be required over large temperature spans.
P1>P2 P1 identified as side with part marking. Fig 12 shows with pin one facing left, P1 is port on right. Closer examination of actual parts shows, P1 is the port closest to Pin 4.
Review of the AN1318 application note shows that V-out (Pin 4) is not required to be connected to the microcontroller.