
Eagle HackChat

@technolomaniac, Director Autodesk Circuits, will be discussing new features, issues, and wish list items

Friday, January 13, 2017 12:00 pm PST - Friday, January 13, 2017 12:30 pm PST Local time zone:
Friday, Jan 13 2017, 8:00 pm - Friday, Jan 13 2017, 8:30 pm
Hacker Channel
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Join us in the Hacker Channel to talk about Eagle, a schematic and board level design software.

This 30 minute session will be about some of the new stuff that's coming up and is a place to make suggestions to current features, air complaints and add wish list items.

For people who don't like working in Eagle, fear not! We have a Kicad HackChat coming up the following Friday 20th at 1p PST.

  • Continuation of the chat

    Sophi Kravitz01/13/2017 at 23:52 0 comments

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    so no no...that'll stay

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    Inventor is still around, right? :D

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    BTW...I mentioned it, but now you can do non-modal commands like block select stuff

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    (I have an Inventor license too, I use it all the time)

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    oh yah, inventor is alive and well

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    ahh, nice

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    inventor is a fun tool. I really enjoy it. long before my time at autodesk. :)

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    They did successfully move away from the command line in it, though of course you still can

    charliex says:2 hours ago

    i'd still like to see non blockng ulp's but i realise that might break a lot of things

    Teuniz says:2 hours ago

    I get a bit scary when I hear "server side"...

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    I will get non-blocking ULPs if my life depends on it.

    Jorge Garcia says:2 hours ago

    I want to see non-blocking ulps that can accept mouse clicks. I'm with you Charlie

    Teuniz says:2 hours ago

    We will not use additions that require an internet connection.

    Jorge Garcia says:2 hours ago

    Matt is already convinced

    davedarko says:2 hours ago

    could the "beep ON | OFF" get an OFF default and a GUI checkbox? that'd be great ;)

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    charliex: I'd like to see some kind of live scripting ability. triggered events, stuff that can help you while you work.

    charliex says:2 hours ago

    yep exactly, sometimes i fill in a ulp settings and i miss the target and have to redo it, usually when laying out circular pattern leds ;)

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    I mean, the ability to create it. Give tools to the ULP community and it'll be awesome

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    @Teuniz online / offline is interesting. I think the push is to of course handle licensing the autodesk way, but the desktop application will remain on the desktop until it makes sense to do otherwise.

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    that licensning model will require that you connect to retrieve a license but then you can merrily go on your way and use the SW.

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    and it will work in an offline mode with no data being pushed into the cloud

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    Sure....however, I will use whatever application is more reliable than the website we're using right now :)

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    (unless you want to do it...which means we should add that capability)

    Teuniz says:2 hours ago

    So, in future, we can't use Eagle anymore without an internet connection???

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    some stuff is just inherently better with a server side data interfacing to mfg

    Arsenijs says:2 hours ago

    Teuniz, you should read what heš saying

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    you can. but you will need to connect to get a license.

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    I'd be OK with a combo of online or dongle license. If I need to work without internet (which happens) then there is at least a chance I didn't lose my dongle

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    after that, you can disconnect.

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    is eagle on your computer now.

    charliex says:2 hours ago

    and download it ;)

    Arsenijs says:2 hours ago

    Internet connection will be required exactly once, from what I understand.

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    I have used Eagle at Burning Man to diagnose an art car controller PCB

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    we'll handle the timeout between successive logins. we set this to two weeks for Fusion 360 and nobody complained

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    I don't get just one connection

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    so it does require a successive login...but with a heartbeat of two weeks between requests for the token

    charliex says:2 hours ago

    online licensing is fine, but you just need the long time between checks or offline, since stuff like last month or so happens whenhalf the internet goes out

    Garrett Mace says:2 hours ago

    How about 52 weeks :D

    technolomaniac says:2 hours ago

    it's pretty lax. and if we need to make...

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  • Read the chat here

    Sophi Kravitz01/13/2017 at 22:54 0 comments

    Questions/ discussion sheet:

    Jorge Garcia : Hi Sophi

    Jorge Garcia: Hi Charliex

    Sophi Kravitz: HI Jorge!

    technolomaniac and I'm matt, I work at autodesk. I manage eagle, 123D, tinkercad, a ton of other little bitty stuff

    technolomaniac :)

    charliex hey, hey jorge thanks for the help with the "next" stuff last month

    technolomaniac also along for the ride is a buddy of mine Sam whom I worked with at altium.

    technolomaniac and full disclosure...before we jump into eagle:

    technolomaniac 1) yes, I was a director on the product team at altium

    technolomaniac 2) I worked at supplyframe which owns hackaday

    Jorge Garcia Your welcome Charliex

    Samuel Sattel Hello Everyone.

    Jorge Garcia Hi Sam

    technolomaniac 3) I build a ton of electronic stuff, mostly wireless. a lot of RF. a lot of interesting things.

    technolomaniac so...that said, I came into Autodesk to execute the acquisition of EAGLE.

    technolomaniac on advice from me.

    technolomaniac I use it. but between sam and I, I think we've used just about every tool.

    technolomaniac and I'm super excited to talk about what we're doing with EAGLE

    technolomaniac you'll find that the future of the tools is pretty much a who's-who of what users have asked for along with some things you might not have wanted or known you wanted (hopefully) until you get them

    technolomaniac :)

    technolomaniac (inner voice: man, I sure hope I dont screw that up)

    technolomaniac so one example is routing improvments.

    Garrett Mace "Signal names on traces" is a good example of something I didn't know I wanted, but use a lot

    Jorge Garcia Same here.

    technolomaniac oh man, that was a big one.

    technolomaniac one of the first things we added post-ac

    Christoph oh there comes a question

    Christoph (I'm just stalking that spreadsheet)

    Garrett Mace This is not super swamped at the moment, is the spreadsheet thing necessary?

    charliex yeah signal name is great, i mixed up d+/d- on a usb host on the eagle before it, got the pcbs and then its sitting staring me in the face with the new signal names

    Sophi Kravitz no, it's more to keep a record


    Sophi Kravitz not necessary at all, use it if you want

    ed pataky :) Hello

    technolomaniac that's an example of the signal names on traces and pads.

    jarek319 oh the auto-enabling signal names on the baord was genius btw

    Jorge Garcia Hi Ed!

    jarek319 *board

    technolomaniac so someone asked about including commonly used ULPs in the build.

    technolomaniac says: 2 hours ago

    this is always possible.

    jarek319 says: 2 hours ago

    basically stuff like circular array placement, smashing, etc

    Jorge Garcia says: 2 hours ago

    Which ones are missing?

    technolomaniac says: 2 hours ago

    we're working on the licesning for this (legalese) inside of ADSK, but definitely we want this stuff included.

    technolomaniac says: 2 hours ago

    we're working on the licesning for this (legalese) inside of ADSK, but definitely we want this stuff included.

    Jorge Garcia says: 2 hours ago

    Circular array placement is in.

    jarek319 says: 2 hours ago

    community ulps and are great since they help speed things up, but they tend to lose coherence after a version change, so I was wondering if there's a way the community can recommend things for inclusion/rework

    technolomaniac says: 2 hours ago

    there's an attribution component of this we want to get right.

    Edwin Robledo says: 2 hours ago

    HI, made it

    technolomaniac says: 2 hours ago

    that's for sue.

    technolomaniac sure

    charliex non blocking ulp's

    Jorge Garci You can find it under tools > component placement.

    Garrett Mace I would go the other way, remove the crustier ULPs and make a community site for them. Perhaps a ULP browser and way to manage updates

    jarek319 i know i was using it as an example :)

    Dirty Engineer I loved that added signal names.. I don't know how I did anything before.

    Jorge Garcia Ah sorry about that

    technolomaniac we can include them and also, I'd like to stress that if it's a ULP and it's awesome, then it should be driving our feature development...

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Sophi Kravitz wrote 01/13/2017 at 19:03 point

Hi everyone! Really excited by everyone's interest in talking Eagle!

Just FYI, this event is in the Hacker Channel, you'll need to join there.

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ZaidPirwani wrote 01/12/2017 at 07:06 point

We could just keep adding wishlists here maybe, I recently had the chance to chat with @technolomaniac and then I upgraded to the latest Eagle Educator version.

there are somethings that i am burning to discuss with EagleCad people.

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