
Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey "stuff"

Basically me and my project group are building some kind of bomb defusing games, with a LITTLE inspiration from Doctor Who

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It's a bomb defusal game with a Doctor Who theme; that's why there's a photo of the Tardis. The objective is to defuse the bomb with two players, one manipulating the bomb, and the second assisting using a manual.

It's a study project based on video games : keep talking and nobody explodes. To sum up, it is a video game whose goal is to defuse a bomb as a team, with one person who handles the bomb and another person who must, without seeing the bomb and with a document, help the first to defuse the bomb. Except this time, it's not a bomb but the Tardis, the Doctor's famous ship (from the Doctor Who series) which, because of something or someone, crashed on earth. The players' objective will be to repair the Tardis before it, due to certain events, explodes.The final object will be approximately 30 cm high and will consist of 5 to 6 puzzles. The puzzles will consist of a simon, the famous cutting lines, encryption, a bluetooth module, a joystick and...

LCD Display Test2.mp4

MPEG-4 Video - 2.80 MB - 01/12/2024 at 14:00


Ring LED Test.mp4

MPEG-4 Video - 2.85 MB - 01/12/2024 at 14:00


Final Project.mp4

MPEG-4 Video - 1.86 MB - 01/12/2024 at 14:00


Matrix Test2.mp4

MPEG-4 Video - 5.13 MB - 01/12/2024 at 14:00


LCD Display Test.mp4

MPEG-4 Video - 3.31 MB - 01/12/2024 at 14:00


View all 12 files

  • 1 × Arduino Mega
  • 1 × LCD Screen Liquid Crystal Displays 16/2
  • 4 × Button
  • 1 × Ring LED NeoPixel Ring 16
  • 1 × Joystick Playstation joystick

View all 11 components

  • Last moments

    Raphaël01/12/2024 at 12:45 0 comments

    In essence, these last days before the presentation are 99.99% focused on the documentation for defusing the bomb, and it was quite amusing to do. I confess I don't really know what else to say. The project is finished; all that's left is to play it.

  • Less interesting than before but it's good

    Raphaël01/12/2024 at 12:41 0 comments

    A period between the beginning of December and the Christmas holidays

    During this extended period, many small advancements have been made, including victory animations, victory sounds, and most importantly, the fact that all the modules are now connected through a single Arduino. I must admit to completely forgetting to mention the Simon module that we started. However, we didn't use it in the final module because we completely forgot to integrate it into the 3D plans... It's a beginner's mistake. But we still have 2-3 photos in memory of this module...

  • Faster than expected

    Raphaël01/12/2024 at 09:55 0 comments

    October 30, 2023

    The project is progressing faster than I had anticipated; by around November 30th, we had already started connecting the modules physically. In terms of code, each module is connected to an Arduino. The goal is to interconnect all the modules with a single Arduino to create interactions among them. This means that in the case where the modules are not connected, when we finish all the modules, how does the timer know when to stop, and how can we be sure that all the modules have been successfully completed? To address this, we are using an Arduino Mega with more input/output capabilities, allowing us to connect everything together. As of this date, the ring LED and LCD modules were already interconnected.

  • On my way

    Raphaël01/11/2024 at 21:11 0 comments

    November 23, 2023

    During this session, we started working on new modules, such as the joystick. Personally, I find the joystick module very amusing to imagine, but when it comes to playing, it seems complicated, which is, in reality, quite amusing. The module consists of a joystick and a ring LED. As good engineers, we thought that the ring LED, when certain LEDs were on and others off, could resemble binary code. Don't ask me how we came up with that. So, we envisioned a module composed of a ring LED and a joystick, and to successfully complete the module, players will need to find the right sequence of actions based on the ring LED. For now, we are making good progress on it.

    Regarding the LCD screen and the issue with special characters, we came up with the idea of creating a library with all the characters. This way, when we need a character in the code, we just take it from the library. The LCD module is considered finished; it's a wrap for it (totally false, as it will also need to be integrated into the final games).

  • I have no idea for the title

    Raphaël12/07/2023 at 10:58 0 comments

    November 16 

    Since the last log, what we does ? firstly we continue the LCD and we include some button. The button will help the player to chose the good letter. However, we have encountered quite a few problems with special characters. As a reminder, these characters will be used by players to assist them in the game. The issue is that the Arduino code for the screen can only handle 4 special characters. To be more specific, special characters are ones that I have drawn in advance and are not predefined symbols, such as $ or #, for example. At the moment, we don't really have a solution, only a small idea that we will try (suspense).

    On the other hand, we have started working on the box that will contain all the modules. (The next photos will show the finished box.)

    Small spoiler for the next stage of the project featuring the side with the initial modules.

  • Let's continue

    Raphaël12/07/2023 at 09:34 0 comments

    November 9

    This log and the following will be shorter because every progress will be do out of class. So at November 9, what we achieve ? We finish the counter, look at this beautiful : 

    (I would have loved to show you videos but the file is too big)

    and the matrice led :

    (this video is also too heavy so there is only one photo)

    And for the LCD, we start the program and create the special character :

    we also have some probleme of contrast, it means that you can see the letter only in a certain position.

  • Start of the trip

    Raphaël11/30/2023 at 11:29 0 comments

    October 26

    During this session, we started working on our modules. Beforehand, one of the members of the group had started connecting the LCD screen, the LED matrix and the timer. Each of the three of us started working on each module.

    The LED matrix module encounters some stability problems and crashes after a few seconds. The LCD screen is on track and the Timer has been completed at the end of the session.

  • The beginning of the project

    Raphaël11/30/2023 at 11:12 0 comments

    October 19

    It's a group project, with 4 differtents theme : Interractive art/ Escape Game/ Movie Props/ Digital Games. We chose all of them. At first, we think of a suitcase with a bomb inside. Basically, we are inspired by the games Keep Talking And Nobody Explode but in real life and not in VR. However, the secret agent theme that we initially wanted to do was perhaps a little too cliché. So, we first tried to find modules/puzzles to solve and then look for a theme. 

    We thought of 9 modules. The first is the famous wire of colors to cut. If you cut the wrong one, the bomb will explose. And how will you know witch wire you have to cut. During the defuse, you will be in pair, the first one who will defuse and the second who will have a document with all the instruction. For instence, for the wire module, if the first wire is red and there are 4 black wire, you have to follow specific instruction. The second module is a joystick, to succeed the module, you must follow a direction sequence in agreement with the code around the joystick. To decrypte the code, as i said, all the solution will be in the document, however, may be not in the way you think. Next we have a Simon, basique. To follow, a word to decrypt. We have also a key and a lock. The following module is quite interesting, it is an LED matrix, the aim of the module is to return a moving point to a fixed point. The moving point can move thanks to the movement of the entire object with a gyroscope. The player will have to discover for himself how to solve the module, no rules will be explained. There are also the timer, with our idea that we did not keep, that we have to push a button every 5 min. To conclude, we have a module bluetooth, but we have no idea of what we can do with this

    At the end of the class, we thought about Doctor Who, and a crash of the Tardis on earth, and this will be our final theme.

View all 8 project logs

  • 1
    Print the Tardis

    use a 3D printer with some

  • 2
    Put the component together

    I really don't know how to explain how to construct the project, it's preety hard to explain

View all instructions

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