
GinScope | Science ToolBox | Oscilloscope

Is there room for another oscilloscope?
Real Time nodejs/html5 Sci ToolBox!
Arduino | Raspberry Pi | FPGA

Similar projects worth following
todo in no particular order
#1 Make oscilloscope frontend for soundcard/adc (mcu/fpga/pi) - ginscope
#2 Make some spi/i2c modules (can also be used with etc
#3 Make the software !

I want to utilise the hardware that I already own (and help the others too) and make some open tools/software
Please share your thoughts, checkout the inner workings/encoding on GitHub
Will this project finds it's way into your hearts and wallets (crowdfunding)?
Youtube video:

And more Oscilloscope Projects

ooks like I am no longer alone in HTML5 scoping world..

Things in the pipeline and for others to copy and reinvent ;) - will have to check out the competition code at some point :D

*PROGRAMMABLE = automation of signal generation+measuring - create your own LUTs etc

*Recording, saving, replaying and sharing of your data sets and experiments - never loose what you produce!

*Can be integrated in to educational infrastructures, using LDAP and other centralised systems for auth

*Simple educational experiments do not require specialised hardware

*Built with Nodejs, Meteor, React,

- Beat me!

  • Some GinLab - nearly - eyeCandy

    Gintaras Valatka07/15/2017 at 12:21 0 comments

    Have a peak @ GinLab

    All from the browser! Switching relays between AC & DC, single ended & differential inputs. vRef controlled by RGB LED coupled to LDR (light dependant resistor) in dark layers of heat shrink tube controlled by PWM making it a Variable Resistor. Voltmeter is built with another Arduino ADC 0-5V. The RGB LED at the bottom right is mirroring hidden LED (vRef is not calibrated)

    On Arduino can also control AREF pin, used by analogRead(), by externally setting vRef and in the sketch setting analog reference to EXTERNAL, if using Arduino ADCs

    Home made Variable Resistor @

  • Some prototyping fun & relaxing soldering

    Gintaras Valatka07/15/2017 at 09:14 0 comments

    Running same coax to 5v relays.
    Separate grounds, planning to switch single ended/differential

    Unleaded started appearing all over the place

    Identified, fixed


    Attaching balanced microphone cables between relays & ADC connector, to make it more flexible and less fragile than coax (no buffer this time) AC/DC caps soldered on the other side

    Trying to keep the inputs short and sweet

    ADC DIP sockets, some headers, connections & secret markings :S

    Something is brewing, picking up noise, might be relays

    With faster ADCs will be making proper PCBs this is just some playtime

    Can you spot RGB LED LDR variable resistor, controllable via PWM? more:

  • 4x simultaneous or 16:4 IO

    Gintaras Valatka05/11/2017 at 07:38 0 comments

    The aim is simultaneous sampling.

    NEED 4 SPEED: There is no need to retrieve the most recent value. To save time, get the previous value only, getting the current value on the next read,.. basically displaying everything one sample later & saving time...

    Running of PCF8591 ADCs This allows to connect external oscillator to OSC pin, done by grounding EXT pin, allowing to sample in sync

    ADC inputs 2, 3, 4 can also be time corrected (synced in postProcessing) to pin one, after knowing the offset timing, - giving synchronous 16 x 8bit inputs..

    One could do 16 lane logic analysis too

    Doing it in assembly on Arduino would be nice too, but that might not happen until faster ADCs. Faster acquisition options available too, like: Arduino Due & Zero, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266)

    New twitter, patreon, facebook & GinLab

    Officially homeless & running out of food. Patreon? Nothing is obvious

  • be The Great Pretender

    Gintaras Valatka05/03/2017 at 20:34 0 comments

    So many redundant data acquisition systems to up-cycle & utilise

    One could pretend to be a CF card, a CD-Rom, HDD - so many levels of ATA.. not forgetting AoE (ATA over Ethernet), SCSI & iSCSI, SATA eSATA you get the idea..

    A file on a virtual system could be something like /dev/zero, where you could read & pipe the output anywhere you like

    ADC 'ports' aka Sound Card present in every computer. Higher quality sound cards can do around 24bits @192kHz and more. The buffers can be accessed directly in a Browser via Web Audio(then sent to server for logging), or Jack Std-I/O can save it to file, pipe it to FFT DSP etc server post processing if needed, logging to DB, output to web-socket, access locally or remotely, display in a browser etc

    By default jack-stdout writes 16 bit signed integer raw audio data at JACK's samplerate, but it can output signed/unsigned 8/16/24/32 bit integer and 32bit floating-point data, both big/little endian.

    No results should ever get lost & it should be easily reproducible -

  • Programmable Pots for ADC vRef

    Gintaras Valatka04/26/2017 at 11:10 0 comments
  • Kiss your Browsers hello & good bye -

    Gintaras Valatka03/24/2017 at 16:38 1 comment
  • Lepus Timidus summer coat soon, maybe also stronger and faster

    Gintaras Valatka03/17/2017 at 15:53 0 comments

    The code on github can pump and display around 1000 samples/sec, made of 4x8bit adc + 1x8bit for 8 digital IO - that is without any optimisations. Video soon

    Lepus Timidus(supposedly endangered 8y ago in Lithuania) will be changing into summer coat too. FPGA version might come form different speed family, like Lynx lynx - but it is of ‘least concern’ according to and it does not have to be a cat family, will have to find a new codename[in latin] - hopefully raising some awareness about endangered species along the way..
    How do you code name your projects?

  • the Passport to probe

    Gintaras Valatka03/13/2017 at 09:23 1 comment

    Two passports: P6060 & P6100 = 60mHz & 100mHz


    these are my backup plans :D

  • Hacker is not a currency yet

    Gintaras Valatka03/12/2017 at 15:38 1 comment

    Tough times..,

    no proper internet for the last two weeks, overhead cable replaced, seem stable;

    still no chips, no physical and no digital fronted yet :( linuxcnc crying ;(

    Exar was joined by STMicroelctronics and Analog Devices in ignoring me, visiting Texas soon.. I hope that legal entity is not the only currency in obtaining free samples.., mind you, the companies who can afford it - get it for free!

    inverting opamp logic....?

  • EXAR refused sample, no notification :( Dissolved != end of life, don't write me off :D

    Gintaras Valatka02/13/2017 at 03:49 0 comments

    Thought I will try sampling for the first time in life.., If I had spare money, I would just order it form online store for the next day delivery... and I did not have the adapters a few weeks ago, so I ordered a few dev kits.. (IC soldered to pcb with some headers)

    I assumed sample order was confirmed, few weeks later, raised a ticket, to find out I was refused.

    Doh! 2 weeks wasted, thank you EXAR, would have managed somehow to buy it myself had I known..

    However EXAR did provide a contact, regarding XRA1405, if I had questions - but the support is not much of a use, if I have #no #chips..


    The address is deliverable, you must be using the wrong database..

    Anyone can find my address on the internet, so why hide it :D
    Now anyone can send me #chips! No potatoes, silicon only please!

    I thought I was good:

    8th of February:

    From now on, I don't really need dev kits for simple logic (but it would have been great and much more fun):

    Sometimes I'd rather buy #chips than food :D, placed an order on Thursday for delivery on Friday, order was cancelled, my account did not stretch :D Some things will have to wait :D #no #chips #no #silicon :D I am very much alive and excited!, I am not dying :D

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Gintaras Valatka wrote 03/12/2017 at 15:06 point

Is software induced limitations still a good business model?
Hacking Keysight 1000X by EEVblog

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Gintaras Valatka wrote 01/16/2017 at 07:01 point

Oscilloscope goodness from EEVblog, playlist of 21 tutorials: 

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David H Haffner Sr wrote 01/12/2017 at 11:10 point

Hey Gintaras, I have tried making them, easier to just spend the little extra then journey down that rabbit hole!

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Gintaras Valatka wrote 01/16/2017 at 06:51 point


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David H Haffner Sr wrote 01/12/2017 at 11:10 point

Hey Gintaras, I have tried making them, easier to just spend the little extra then journey down that rabbit hole!

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David H Haffner Sr wrote 01/11/2017 at 08:34 point

Very interesting project indeed, I have worked on something similar myself using an arduino, but found that making the probe itself is quite a challenge in itself.

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Gintaras Valatka wrote 01/12/2017 at 11:06 point

Thank you! Nowadays, one should be able to acquire probes for around $€£10-20
Or go on adventure building from scrach

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