
PiSaint 2.0 home automation board

Controlling 230V Sainsmart relais with a Rapsberry Pi

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The PiSaint 1 was a hit and weuse them for more than just Sous Vide ( or home automation.

Since the current version 1 found it's way into BitCoining Server ;) and other things we needed to create a new version (to much soldering and crimping).

The version 2.0 is now directly connected to the GPIO of the Raspberry and the SainSmart relay we also added a micro USB connector to easily connect the 5V power supply.

For the GPIO we used stackable "extensions" to allow other applications to be connected as well.

KiCad file for PiSaint 2.0

Zip Archive - 142.04 kB - 01/11/2017 at 13:09


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