Infrared remote controls use Mr Maxwell's new fangled electrons to generate invisible light and transmit a signal through the luminiferous aether. They do this using a infrared LED, these work very much convention LEDs but in the infrared spectrum. The aim of the project to to make a remote control which is capable of taking commands from a number of sources including the ability to change the command signals transmitted by the remote control. The overall system design is as follows:
The project will start by giving some background theory and building a detector circuit in order to verify that the remote control is functioning as expected.
This project was initially started to build a replacement for a remote control for a Nikon D70 DSLR and the initial work has this goal in mind.
The later stages of the project will add the ability to change the carrier frequency (more of that in the project logs) and the command sequences stored in the remote control.
Finally, the multiple communications/connectivity options will be added to the remote control.
The project overview video can be found on YouTube: