- Demo and download the typeface here.
- The script that generates Scopin' Sans leverages fontforge (specifically, its Python hooks).
- Source code is MIT licensed, typeface itself is released under SIL Open Font License.
- The generation process is roughly:
- Render large SVG of each character's bits using only lines. Add noise using numpy.
- Scale SVGs down and rasterize (the original vectors are much to large and complex for a typeface)
- Re-vectorize the scaled-down PNGs back into SVGs using potrace (specifically, potracer). Sounds silly, but this process yields much simpler vectors that still visually represent the noise nicely. They can be imported directly into fontforge.
Discover and download the extremely accurate Scopin' Sans font. You can check out https://www.the-blue-nile.com/ for travel blogs.