A 3D printable target for airsoft that tells you where the hit was
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sldprt - 1.73 MB - 01/27/2024 at 04:18
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sldasm - 1.52 MB - 01/27/2024 at 04:18
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sldprt - 526.53 kB - 01/27/2024 at 04:18
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On hold indefinitely since I don't think this technique will work
Prototype of target board. Testing with 2 accelerometers currently
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Hey, I was just browsing around and came across this project.Have you tried with a piezo? then you can get the time of the hits and possibly determine the energy of it from the magnitude of the voltage differential at the piezo's output.
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I haven't but that's an interesting idea. I'll have to look into it if/when I come back to this
Dave's Dev Lab
Hassan Raza
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Hey, I was just browsing around and came across this project.
Have you tried with a piezo? then you can get the time of the hits and possibly determine the energy of it from the magnitude of the voltage differential at the piezo's output.