
Step 1: SquareLine Design

A project log for World Clock& Weather Monitoring Design With LGVL/S

In this article, I'm going to make a screen that displays real-time time and weather conditions in some capital cities.

makerfabsMakerfabs 12/13/2023 at 10:020 Comments

Choose the Arduino and enter in parameters. According to the features of MaTouch ESP32-S3 Parallel TFT with Touch 7" , the resolution is 1024*600, the shape is rectangle, and the color depth is 16-bit.

Add the clock and weather images to assets, and then it allows you to select them and widget components to design the scenes. After, clicking the widget of the list on the Hierarchy panel, you can modify the parameters of the select widget on the Inspector panel, all is determined by your preference.

And this is Basic usage of Squareline with MaTouch 2.1. Except for the SquareLine page design and code part, all the other operations are almost the same.
