
Minimalist Rover/ Satellite

Romane Lemieux & Rachel Dugleux

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It's a minimalist satellite which is inspired by documentary films on robot rover which have landed on the moon for example.

The objective was to be inspired by this robotic design while creating an aesthetic object that could be placed wherever you want in your home.

The minimalist satellite gives you information like ambient temperature and humidity, but only if you get close to it :)

const int pingPin = 7; int LEDRED = 9; int LEDGREEN = 10; int LEDBLUE = 11; const int buzzer = 5; #include <dht.h> dht DHT; #define DHT11_PIN 2 #include "Wire.h" #include "LiquidCrystal_I2C.h" LiquidCrystal_I2C LCD(0x27,16,2); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); LCD.init(); LCD.backlight(); pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); } void loop() { long duration, inches, cm; pinMode(pingPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(5); digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW); pinMode(pingPin, INPUT); duration = pulseIn(pingPin, HIGH); // convert the time into a distance inches = microsecondsToInches(duration); cm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration); Serial.print(inches); Serial.print("in, "); Serial.print(cm); Serial.print("cm"); Serial.println(); delay(100); pinMode(LEDRED, OUTPUT); pinMode(LEDGREEN, OUTPUT); pinMode(LEDBLUE, OUTPUT); int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); if (cm < 20) { //LCD.clear(); digitalWrite(LEDRED, LOW); digitalWrite(LEDBLUE, LOW); digitalWrite(LEDGREEN, HIGH); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print("O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print(" O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("A O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("An O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Ana O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Anal O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analy O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analys O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analysi O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analysin O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analysing O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analysing O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analysing O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analysing O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analysing O "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O "); delay(100); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Analysing O"); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print(" O"); delay(100); tone(buzzer, 1174); delay(200); tone(buzzer, 1396); delay(200); tone(buzzer, 1318); delay(200); noTone(buzzer); LCD.setCursor(0, 0); LCD.print("Temp: "); LCD.print(DHT.temperature); LCD.print((char)223); LCD.print("C "); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); Serial.print("Humidity = "); Serial.println(DHT.humidity); LCD.print("Humi: "); LCD.print(DHT.humidity); LCD.print("% "); delay(10000); } else if (cm >= 20 && cm < 50) { //LCD.clear(); digitalWrite(LEDRED, LOW); digitalWrite(LEDBLUE, HIGH); digitalWrite(LEDGREEN, LOW); tone(buzzer, 440); delay(200); tone(buzzer, 493); delay(200); noTone(buzzer); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print("come closer :) "); } else if (cm >= 50) { LCD.clear(); digitalWrite(LEDRED, HIGH); digitalWrite(LEDBLUE, LOW); digitalWrite(LEDGREEN, LOW); LCD.setCursor(0, 1); LCD.print("where are you ? "); } } long microsecondsToInches(long microseconds) { return microseconds / 74 / 2; } long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds) { return microseconds / 29 / 2; }


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View all 15 files

  • 1 × LCD screen 2x16
  • 1 × LED RGB
  • 1 × Humidity Sensor
  • 1 × Ultrasound Sensor
  • 1 × Arduino Nano

View all 8 components

View project log

  • 1
    We used the following software

    Arduino, Ultimaker Cura

  • 2
    Make the electrical diagram

    For a clearer vision of where and how to connect our components in a 3D dimension

  • 3
    Component Testing

    We have been testing the functionality of each component separately, advancing step by step to ensure that everything works independently. This approach helps us avoid situations where we cannot identify the source of a problem. To test the validity of each component, we used basic codes available in the component's library. For example, to check the humidity, we observed the results on the serial monitor.

View all 7 instructions

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