A free operating system for the eZ8 microcontrollers licenced under the GNU General Public Licence. This operating system is written from scratch in pure eZ8 assembly language.
Open Source
You can find the source at our git repository:
You will also find some applications in there that run on eZ8OS such as a Midi file player.
OS- Commandline interface from which you can run programs.
- Built in text file viewer.
- Built in image viewer.
- Built in machine code monitor. Prints a page of flash on the screen as hexadecimal as well as ascii.
- Built in file loader program. Loads files/software via rs232 serial.
- Simple filesystem in internal flash memory. Can be expanded using spi flash. Has built in wear leveling.
- Output to rs232 serial or vga using a gameduino.
- Input using rs232 serial or using a matrix keyboard using the built in driver software.
- Various kernel routines available to the user using jumptables. (display,string,spi,filesystem,flash,gameduino,math)
- Flash page0 protection
Upcoming Features
- Built in text editor.
Thanks for that. I can get the development board in my country. I will go read github.