
PocketPD - USB-C Portable Bench Power Supply

Leveraging the Programmable Power Supply (PPS) of USB PD 3.0 and 3.1 to make an ultra-compact bench power supply

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The No Inductor power supply. This project utilizes PicoPD's previous work to prototype a bench power supply. Beside portable soldering iron, this should be one of the best portable tools for college electrical engineering students. This bench power supply is powered by USB-C PD 3.0/3.1 using their PPS capability. There is no buck or boost converter on the board as these component is already in your USB-C charger. We will explore how to implement constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CC), two modes that are featured in all of the standard bench power supplies.

Purchase Link: Lectronz (Europe) or Tindie (USA)

Crowd Funding - CrowdSupply PocketPD (Withdrawn)

Firmware -  GitHub

Demo Video - YouTube

Our current goal for this project is to provide the software as open-source after development and functional testing. Further development for other applications could reuse part of the code. Example applications are custom LiFePO4 or LiPo chargers, reflow ovens, or hotplates.

As the DIY community has grown, there are multiple ways to implement control features like adjusting parameters via Wifi, Bluetooth, or touch screen. We want to keep the design language simple, just physical knobs and buttons to control. This will give the system higher reliability when you need it to work.

Progress update

December 10, 2024

  • Going through compliance testing for Europe: RoHS and EMC tests
  • Test run some sample from our vendors

November 15, 2024

August 19, 2024

  • Working on new case design to reduce assembly time and product weight.
  • Crowd Supply campaign is underway.
  • Withdraw from Maker Faire due to high travel cost and market fee at the current product stage. Free up one spot for other makers!

August 10, 2024

  • Release firmware V0.9.5. Stable working version.
  • Working with Crowd Supply for kick start the product. Reverse posting from Lectronz and Tindie.
  • We will hold an exhibit at Maker Faire Bay Area Oct 19th-20th . Check out our PocketPD entry. We will have many units and product on display and for trade!

July 28, 2024

  • Release firmware V0.9. We are still working on other feature in the to_do_list
  • Working prototype version is ready for purchase. (we are working posting on Lectronz and Tindie)

June 19, 2024

  • New layout arrived. Component test completed.
  • New firmware is underdevelopment
  • Presenting at CrowdSupply Teardown 2024, Portland OR - June 23rd (Sunday).

June 13, 2024

  • New layout update (check project note)
  • New firmware is underdevelopment that will add some menu and finer control of the unit

May 25, 2024

  • BetaTester version sold out. Asking for feedbacks.


The open-source software will feature:

  • OLED display
  • Rotary Encoder with button as input
  • Ability to turn on/off output switch
  • Read current and voltage from the current sense amplifier

Here is where we are at:

  • [x] Rotary encoder implementation for voltage and current knob
  • [x] OLED display working. Showing welcome screen, PDOs, and voltage/current data
  • [x] Implement course and fine control for voltage knob
  • [x] Display mode switch from CC to CV and vice-versa
  • [x] Current limit mode
  • [x] Correctly display current reading (calibration)
  • [x] Testing current limit mode with different PPS supplies.
  • [x] Work with non-PPS power supply by tapping into PDOs

Hardware specification:

  • Input/Output voltage: 3.3V - 20.5V
  • Max output current: 3A for BETAUSER, 5A for RELEASED PROTOTYPE
  • Input protection: ESD protection
  • Output protection: ESD protection, flyback diode protection, reverse current protection

Design iteration:

First nicely designed prototype!!

Photo from our Beta testers

Credit: Drew from TechGuyDrew

  • Crowd Funding is online

    CentyLab11/16/2024 at 21:32 0 comments

    We are very happy to introduce the project page on CrowdSupply. Please sign up so we know how many people is expect the product so we can plan the manufacturing accordingly. Also, don't miss the part where you can pre-order the unit at launch!

    New Case

  • Pre-release V0.9.5

    CentyLab08/04/2024 at 00:40 0 comments

    Another firmware pre-release (V0.9.5). We now has a Menu to select between different profile! The firmware is still under test for edge cases.

    Long press VOLT/AMP button to enter the MENU. If you change your mind, just hold the VOLT/AMP button again to cancel. Use the encoder to scroll through the menu and long press the encoder to select your desire profile.

    At Boot, default is still PPS profile at 5V and 1V limit.

  • Firmware update underway

    CentyLab07/29/2024 at 02:52 0 comments

    We are actively working on the firmware update so that our complete prototype user will have the best experience! 

    Some feature that we are now support:

    • Press any button to skip booting and capability display.
    • Blinking cursor so you know which digit and which parameter you are changing.
    • Fix encoder skipping step

    Note: We just happen to test on older hardware. Don't worry, the pinout is the same!

  • New layout has arrived

    CentyLab06/19/2024 at 16:14 1 comment

    A refined version of the PCB has arrived. This version will support 5A, seem cool to touch under our recent 5A load test. Firmware is under development for this newer board to provide profile selection and better control response via encoder. Other component like case and lid are arriving a bit later in the month. The product will be online for purchase on June 30th.

    We will be presenting at CrowdSupply 2024 - Portland, OR on June 23rd, 2024! If you are around, come and check out the project in person. We will also have other products on demo like PPSTrigger and AndroidAuto Fast Charge Injector.

    Unlocking more ability from your USB-C Charger

  • Working on feedback

    CentyLab06/13/2024 at 15:23 0 comments

    A big thanks to our beta user for your feedback. We have incorporate many of the suggestion into the newer layout and design. Here is some sneak peak on our recent layout update:

    • Standard 19.05 mm spacing for banana clip
    • Optional footprint under XT-60 for standard 5.5x2.1mm DC jack
    • Input capacitance meet USB-PD sink standard
    • Dimmer Status LED
    • Support 5A full USB-C PD current

    Beside hardware, we have a long task list for the next firmware version that will add extra menu to provide protocol selection.

  • Functional prototype is here

    CentyLab04/19/2024 at 21:27 0 comments

    After a long wait from our PCB vendor, the boards are already here. This is the first batch to confirm our wiring, mechanical test, electrical and thermal performance.

    It is good news that the wiring is all good. The board boots up with some code modification from the previous design. We can work more on the mechanical design but overall it will FIT inside a case!

    The port layout works a bit better than we expected. The buttons' spring force and height are just right. The screen height is low enough not to shadow the button labels.

    The initial thermal test shows that the output switch selected is good for 3A continuous. We will also move the location of the status LED so that it can be used at night without being too bright.

    The next step for these 4 boards is to design a case for them. Let us know if you want to be our beta user and explore the application with USB PPS!

  • Current mode is working

    CentyLab03/02/2024 at 00:22 0 comments

    It requires some modification to the AP33772 Library but it seems like the current limit is working on our device.

    Here you can see the current limit (small font) is at 1.3A and we are reading 1.32A. The voltage will change when you are in current limit mode. During this mode, the voltage encoder knob will not react if you increase the voltage as the voltage is capped by the current.

  • Debug current/voltage measurement

    CentyLab02/27/2024 at 04:58 0 comments

    The prototype version of PocketPD utilizes a sense resistor of 10mOhm to measure the current reading of the load. Here is the configuration for V.Prototype:

    The power goes directly from USB-C VBUS, and passes through the sense resistor, thru the PMOS output switch to the banana jack terminals.

    Issue: VBUS reading is higher than VOUT, more than expected. There must be more voltage drop somewhere.

    Current (A)VBUS voltage (V)Vdrop across PMOS (V)Calculated Ron

    It was a bit surprising that Ron is consistent across multiple input voltages as Vgs and Ron are dependent on each other. Further investigation is needed

    Conclusion: The resistance of PMOS (68mOhm) is higher than expected (18mOhm) which causes the discrepancy between the OLED measured and the Banana jack output. 


    • Use the known resistance drop across the PMOS. Calculate the expected voltage drop with current. Display the adjusted VBUS value
    • Move the current sensing to just before the banana jack. This will take care if there need to be component changes on PMOS due to part shortage or part upgrade. 

    But !... The current reading is now calibrated. We are getting the correct amperage report through the Rsense resistor!

View all 8 project logs

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Markus wrote 11/24/2024 at 18:35 point

Hi, just came across your project on CrowdSupply.

I'll get one as they become available.

One question: you specify it up to 20V. The newer PPS spec goes up to 48V. Could you extend the design to go up to the max PPS voltage?

I think this would extend the usefulness and longevity of the project.

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CentyLab wrote 11/25/2024 at 03:40 point

Hi Markus,

The PPS spec currently only go up to 20V max. I think that you are talking about AVS mode which allow voltage negotiation up to 48V at 100mV increment. However, the ICs for this is still very new and I think there might be 1-2 years before we can see more adoption of these voltage range.
We will have to perform more prototype and study for this max voltage, as higher voltage does mean more protection need to be implemented so the circuit doesn't die to due to user error.

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Markus wrote 11/25/2024 at 07:17 point

Hi CentyLab, I just read up about AVS. Amazing how the USB Implementers Forum adds another new thing (AVS), instead of just extending PPS.

I can see that adding AVS is not trivial. Oh well, that gives you a goal to shoot for with a V2 of the device!

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Drei Eck wrote 11/10/2024 at 18:34 point

Now, almost three months have passed after the last update.

What is the state of this? I really would like to buy one (kit with pre-assembled SMD parts, or complete).

Best reagards!

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CentyLab wrote 11/16/2024 at 21:27 point

Hi Drei. We are now online on CrowdSupply, you can check the link on the top of the page. We have also received your email, and unfortunately we can't ship a beta sample to Germany due to some shipping regulation there. However, CrowdSupply should be able to handle that no problem.

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Drei Eck wrote 05/25/2024 at 08:59 point

You write in the descriptive text of this project

> Let us know if you want to be our beta user

I am interested; what do I need to do/ what do we arrange? (I am in Germany, European Union.)

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CentyLab wrote 05/29/2024 at 15:40 point

Hi Dreil. We are currently out of the BetaUser unit but we are working with feedback to push out the new design. Due to some shipping waste regulations, EU shipment will be supported right after US shipment.

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Drei Eck wrote 04/22/2024 at 17:55 point

When this is ready, I am willing to buy a kit (at least PCB with soldered small SMD parts).

I opt for (an option to add) barrel jack socket as an output socket.

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CentyLab wrote 04/24/2024 at 00:37 point

Hi Drei, do you have a picture of the type of barrel you are talking about?

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Drei Eck wrote 04/24/2024 at 09:51 point

I mean sockets for the widespread barrel plugs with 5.5 mm outer diameter/ 2.5 mm or 2.1 mm inner diameter, for [this kind of plugs](

Sockets are for example:






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CentyLab wrote 04/24/2024 at 15:22 point

Oh yeah, this can be done. I was just confused as the ports suggested are usually power input. I can add an overlapping footprint to one of the ports. Probably the XT-60 port. I am hesitant to increase the port number since it will break the form factor.

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CentyLab wrote 06/13/2024 at 15:33 point

Drei, we have added an footprint for the 5.5x2.1 jack in the newer version. So you got to select between XT60 or 5.5x2.1 port.

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Drei Eck wrote 06/13/2024 at 22:16 point


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Martin Axelsen wrote 04/02/2024 at 21:32 point

I have long wanted to make something like this. I have also had an eye on MDP-P905 and DP100 for their compact form factor.
If you would make the next version of PocketPD in a similar form factor and with digipots instead of analog pots then I would really not hesitate to yell Shut up and take my money!
Until then I'd be happy to assist with anything.

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CentyLab wrote 04/03/2024 at 03:26 point

Hi Martin, this current version doesn't use analog pot. It is already an encoder which technically is already digital.

I have an updated layout closer to the MDP-P905. Per area, this unit should be even smaller than the MDP-P905. Let me know what you think!

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Martin Axelsen wrote 04/03/2024 at 10:54 point

In that case I think exactly what I yelled before! :-)

I have a friend or two who will probably utter the same. Where can we sign up to buy? 

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CentyLab wrote 04/04/2024 at 05:05 point

Hi Martin,

I will start the first small prototype batch in the US around the end of this month (April). Once confident with the prototype, we will open pre-orders on Lectronz for beta users. If the prototype unit works well, Elecrow will be our worldwide shipper.

We are working on an output filter for the circuit. We have been looking into LC and pi filters but have not yet been able to effectively filter noise at 22-24KHz from the USB-C brick. This noise starts to show up when pulling higher than 3A. It would be awesome if someone could help us with this filter design.

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Gangwa Labs wrote 04/02/2024 at 01:33 point

I love the idea of this project. are you going to release a BOM or more docs?

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CentyLab wrote 04/02/2024 at 15:50 point

Hi Gringl, we are on the last stage of hardware prototyping. For releasing, the plan is to first release the software, and BOM. We will release the hardware file later to ensure the project doesnt get cheap cloned immediately.

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CentyLab wrote 05/16/2024 at 04:00 point

Hi Gringl,

We have released the firmware that works on the BetaUser version: 

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