I've always disliked the idea of embedding credentials and addresses into the body of a program or Arduino Sketch - it's just not "best practice". Besides, it means that you need to recompile and reload your program every time you travel to a new location, like from home to your local hacker space.
This project allows you to change these settings on the fly, or easily migrate between different platforms, without having to change your code.
Embedis (similar in design to Redis ) allows you to create tiny data stores within the EEPROM or FLASH of your embedded project, and to access those data stores using a simple API or command line interface.
Now you can separate your program code, from the data items it uses - now that's good design!
Open the Serial Monitor.
I received notice as follows:
[ Embedis : ESP8266 Blynk Integration Sketch ]
[ Embedis : select 115200 Baud and 'Both NL & CR' as your line ending ]
[ Embedis : EEPROM dictionary installed ]
[ Embedis : EEPROM dictionary selected ]
[ Embedis : Additional hardware installed ]
[ Embedis : Type 'hardware' to get a listing of new hardware ]
[ Embedis : Additional commands installed ]
[ Embedis : Type 'commands' to get a listing of commands ]
But when typing harware or commands and pressing the send button on the serial monitor has no response
help me
thank you