
Canvas Lamp a smart home upgrade.

Giving an influencer Canvas Lamp a smart upgrade. With Zigbee, RF Remote, and more.

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The popular canvas lamp is equipped with a very cheap LED controller. This project solves a couple problems:

1. The controller is placed in a hard to reach area
2. "Noise" was coming from the cheap controller
3. Not integrated into smart home
4. No remote for the controller, just your phone.
5. Upgraded controller allows for more color temperature range

Supplying power.

One of the trickiest parts was finding a small 5V WW/CW LED controller. Most were 12-24V and I did not want to ruin a 200 dollar lamp. Any LED controller should work, but make sure that you are using 5V, and that the controller supports WW/CW. 

For power, just a standard USB 5.5 x 2.1mm DC Male Connector, or splice in the power from the original cord, not preferred.

  • 1 × S1-W S1-B MiBoxer Runrise 2.4G RF remote
  • 1 × Gledopto GL-C-006P LED Controller, with zigbee and 2.4 RF. WW/CW

  • 1
    Install Instructions

    You can simply replace the controller, WITHOUT drilling into the base, and I highly suggest doing that first.

    on the controller, cut the wires 

    V+ = Red

    CW = Black

    WW = White

  • 2
    Pairing with 2.4ghz remote

    Power on the the Gledopto controller and pressed the on button on the remote within a few seconds.

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