
Updated schematic….hopefully the final ones!

A project log for Desktop Thermometer

A simple desktop thermometer using a TMP36/TMP37, small microcontroller and LED display

thebrokenengineerTheBrokenEngineer 02/20/2024 at 07:160 Comments

OK, so I might be tempting fate here or perhaps just outright jinxing myself, but I am still waiting for boards because I didn’t realise that everyone was on holidays and so I’m getting a little bored.

I have just PDF’ed the schematics for what I “think” is the final version of the schematic. I’ve updated the files section of the project, and the updated KiCad source files are already up on GitHub.

The astute observer will notice that there is a single TMP3x IC when the project description states that we can use either a TMP36 _or_ TMP37. The reason I need only one schematic is because the pinout and power requirements for the TMP36 and TMP37 are identical. The same cannot be said for the configuration of the different USB receptacles , these _do_ need different schematics and boards.
