

A project log for Digital Audio Mixer w/ Filters & Multiple USB I/O

Using FPGAs and MCUs to build my dream audio setup

qorbaqQorbaQ 02/07/2025 at 09:490 Comments

Alright, kinda lying, the project is kinda dead.

Yeah, turns out that making a giant project alone with no real knowledge of the underlying architectures used in the industry is no trivial matter, especially when you're a broke student and can't afford neither the test equipment nor the actual chips and PCBs.

Well, bad news, I can't really work on the USB Mixer anymore : too much to do in real life, too much to do on that project, no clear way to progress ... Yeah. This is over....

Just kidding, i'm carving stuff out of this project to make smaller bite-sized (still huge) projects. As of February 2025, two "mini" projects will be released to the world :

I'll update this text once their hackaday pages are finalized so I can link to them.

Why am i doing this ?
Frankly, Making smaller more useful projects make the task of designing everything from scratch less dreadful : while Apollo can (and hopefully will) be reused As is in the giant Mixer project some day, I'll also be able to use it daily with my audio setup.

Same thing for Benzaiten, the bridge can be individually tested rather easily, I can implement features that are not necessary for the USB Mixer but make life easier (debugging, reprogramming over USB, PDM output etc.).

Also, and that's the big thing, seeing actual progress being made is such a boost to morale !

As always, if you have any question or are interested in the project / want to help me, you're free to contact me, either here or send me a mail :

Cya !
