
8CH Voltage Logger PSoC 5lp

An 8 Channel PC based Voltage logger based on Cypress's PSoC 5lp SoC

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Currently I am working on an 8 channel Voltage logger with the following features:
- 8 Channels
- 3 Input Ranges 5V, 15V and 25V
- 2 Analog output Channels
- Maybe a counter input for counting "events"

I got an prototype board now which is working fine so far and making the software. Hopefully I can release it in the first half of this year. I would like to get comments and suggestions from the community.

P.S. I am creating this project right now and it may take me some days to upload more informations, pictures and screen shots. Check back from time to time.

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Kel Bunyan wrote 12/09/2017 at 08:08 point

Mark , How are you going with this ?  Regards KelB

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