
Arduino shield 4-digit 7-segment LED Display

This is Arduino 4-digit display shield

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There is often need to display something on Arduino,
but Arduino Uno lacks any means of display.
This is simple Arduino shield with 4-digit 7-segment display.

Display shield can be used for a lot of interesting projects,
for example
* Digital clock,
* Timer,
* Alarm,
* Calculator,
* Digital voltmeter
* Analog to digital converter,
and so on.

Drawback is that it uses most digital IO pins, from D2 to D12.
But Analog pins and Rx Tx pins are free.

Principles of operation:
The 4-digit 7-segment LED display module
has 12 pins, 8 pins used for segments (anodes),
and 4 used for common cathodes.
4 common cathodes used to select which digit to display.

The micro controller selects digits by selecting one digit at a time by setting one common anode low, and switching digits rapidly.
When digits repeated at interval every 30 ms or less, the display appears to be continuous.

Control of the 4-digit 7-segment display is fully programmatic by Arduino.
The microprocessor repeatedly selects one digit by setting
common cathode pin  LOW.
Then displays digit by setting HIGH segments that need to be lit.
The program has table which of 7 segments to lit for each digit.
Then waits delay about 6 ms or less, then repeats the process for next digit.

The 7-segment display can show not only digits but also some letters and 
signs and even non-letter symbols, because microprocessor can lit any 
segments in arbitrary combination.
Non-digit symbols and letters can be displayed such as A b d C g F H - E P n S.


Example program 24 h Digital Clock using 4 digit 7-segment display shield. Uses button connected to pin A5 and ground to fast set the time.

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Example test program to display numbers [3 4 5 6 ] on a 4-digit display shield.

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Schematics of Arduino shield 4-digit 7-segment display

Adobe Portable Document Format - 47.69 kB - 02/15/2024 at 00:17


  • First version

    Marsianin24502/15/2024 at 05:03 0 comments

    4-digit display shield build on the Proto board.
    See Fig.1.

    Parts List:

    1. Arduino Uno R3

    2.HiLetgo R3 Proto Shield Proto Expansion Board

    3. 4-digit 7-segment LED display module

        Model: 5641AS ,  Size: 0.56 x 1.98 inch ,  Emitting color: Red
        Mode: Common-Cathode (CC) ,  Digit: 4-Digit
        Category: LED 7-Segment Display

    4. Resistors 1 k   x 4

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Ken Yap wrote 02/14/2024 at 01:45 point

Or just add a display driver chip like the TM1637 to drive the LEDs. It only requires 2 lines. One advantage is that you do not have to keep multiplexing the display.

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