
E6/TruGolf Simulator Interface

A project log for PiTrac - The DIY Golf Launch Monitor

Launch monitor using low-cost Raspberry pi and camera hardware to determine ball launch speed, angles and spin

james-pilgrimJames Pilgrim 04/27/2024 at 21:440 Comments

The first version of the E6/TruGolf interface to the DIY Launch Monitor is now working!

BIG thank-you to the folks at TruGolf, especially Melissa and Ryan for their help and quick turn-around on questions.  I’m super-appreciative that they (and GSPro) have been so supportive of what is currently a small Launch Monitor project.

Here’s a short video demonstration of a couple of shots:  DIY Launch Monitor - E6/TruGolf Interface 

We’re under NDA with TruGolf, so I can’t say anything specific about their API.  However, suffice to say that it’s pretty sophisticated and exposes an impressive amount of functionality.  I hadn’t spent much time with their product before now, and wasn’t aware of its breadth and depth.  

The LM’s interface is pretty minimal right now (mostly just player info and shot data), but it will be fun to flesh it out further in the future.  However, the next big push is getting the LM to be a lot faster when calculating shot data.
