
First (Tiny) Github Release - Would Appreciate Any Feedback!

A project log for PiTrac - The DIY Golf Launch Monitor

Launch monitor using low-cost Raspberry pi and camera hardware to determine ball launch speed, angles and spin

james-pilgrimJames Pilgrim 11/25/2024 at 18:491 Comment

We're working to get our processes in order to release the components of the DIY LM into the wild on github.  Being noobs at this, we're still not exactly sure which artifacts will be necessary for folks to productively make use of (and hopefully someday contribute to!) the project's work product. 

To that end, we just put up a small  sub-component of the physical enclosure of the LM here:  Frankly, releasing the software code is still a little bit off in time.

We'd appreciate any feedback on this, as we'd expect to release the rest of the enclosure with approximately the same file types and documentation.  If we're doing something that the community doesn't expect, it would be great to know now before we set everything up.


james598goff wrote 12/03/2024 at 11:07 point

What a fabulous post this has been. Never seen this kind of useful post. I am grateful to you and expect more number of posts like these. Thank you very much.

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