Current State: Work has begun on v2 but is slow due to lack of time and funds. I am actively seeking individuals who are willing to build in parallel, offer technical expertise, and/or contribute skills and time. Areas of opportunity include:
- OpenCV
- Material Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- System Architecture (processing unit)
- Analog Sound capture
- Software development
- Post-process scripting (basic scratch and dust removal, auto color enhancement, etc)
Version 2 has the following design improvement goals:
- Stronger and more precise motor control with tension feedback
- Improved film path for tension control
- Completely redesigned gate mechanisms
- Digital frame detection (reflective IR and possibly addition of phase-locked loop feedback)
- New camera options ( modular design capable of accepting RPi to high-end 4K)
- New electronics capable of handling faster speeds and writing directly to dedicated peripherals
Work will continue in fits and starts. Any recommendations for grants, residencies or other sources of support are very welcome!
- Matthew Epler (New York, NY)
Why using sprockets?
The high end film scanners use a laser. Maybe a LED is possible?