
Low Power Infrared Energy Meter Monitor

Using the IR diode of smart energy meters this adapter translates the IR signals into UART messages

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This project aims at building an ultra low power adapter (< 1uA quiescent current) that you can bring onto modern smart energy meters to read the energy usage.

Optical interface
The optical interface consists of an IR photodiode to read data from the smart energy meter, and an IR emitter to send data to the smart energy meter.
The infrared reader has an automatic calibration to ambient light conditions to be more resilient against ambient infrared light.

Electrical interface
4 wires, namely VCC, GND, RX and TX.
RX is for receiving UART data from a microcontroller, TX is for sending the optical data to a microcontroller. So usually you want to connect TX to the UART input of your microcontroller to get your readings from the smart meter.
RX can be left unconnected if not used.
The supply voltage may be between 1.8V and 5.5V.

Power Supply:
Given an 1.8V power supply, the quiescent current of the IR to UART converter has been measured to be 410nA in a dark environment.

Currently 2 assembled devices haven been successfully tested on a Landis+Gyr E450 Smartmeter and a ISKRAEMECO AM550 Smartmeter.

The complete setup allows to read energy usage in short intervals (15 seconds by default), transmit them via UART to a Canique Smartmeter Sense (a radio transmitter based on, which then parses them and sends them via 868MHz to a base station.

The big differences between this design and available products on the market are:

  1. No necessity for a power outlet. The energy meter adapter will be powered by the Canique Smartmeter Sense, which itself is powered by a standard AA battery.
  2. Good wall penetration and range. Unlike WiFi this radio setup can easily go through mutliple walls.
  3. Extremely low power. A single AA battery will be able to supply the sensor + IR adapter for multiple years. The expected total quiescent current for the sensor + IR adapter from a 1.5V battery is: 2.57µA

  • Introducing this project in a video

    canique08/11/2024 at 12:39 0 comments
  • Smartmeter GUI

    canique07/12/2024 at 14:53 0 comments

    The complete data pipeline is finished now:

    Current consumption in Watt and total Watthours so far are transmitted every 15 seconds from the Smartmeter to a Canique Pico Gateway via 868 MHz radio.

    The data is then displayed on and updated whenever new data comes in.

    The communication between Pico Gateway and website is via MQTT. You can also configure the Pico Gateway to redirect the data to some other MQTT broker and then process the data yourself (e.g. via InfluxDB, Grafana etc..)

    If we send the data to an MQTT broker running on a Raspberry, it looks like this:

  • First tests with Landis+Gyr E450

    canique06/01/2024 at 16:06 0 comments

    Today a first test was conducted with the Canique IR probe connected to a Landis+Gyr E450 smartmeter's optical interface.

    The optical interface first needed to be "unlocked" (using an online request form) by Wiener Netze. It took 2 weeks for this to happen. After 2 weeks the 128 Bit decryption key was provided by Wiener Netze.

    The data that is sent by the smartmeter obviously is encrypted.

    Test setup

    The Canique IR probe is connected to a Raspberry Pi4 (3V3, GND, Pi UART RX). The baud rate settings are: 9600 Baud, Parity None (unsure about that), 1 Stop Bit, 8 data bits

    The default settings of the Landis+Gyr E450 have not been changed. It pushes an encrypted message once per second.


    The encrypted data starts with 


    in my case and ends with 7e. The whole message is 105 bytes long.

    Here is an example of a decrypted message, using a quickly hacked python script:


    If you enter this into you get a timestamp, and some values.

    One of the values is 0x0002F265, which in decimal notation is 193125 Wh total consumption so far.

    Another value is 0x0000003A, which probably is the current consumption in W (58W).


    The code used to test the infrared interface is located at

    What's next

    Different baud rates need to be checked and different supply voltages. The current consumption of the IR probe needs to be measured while in operation. It's a low power design, though, so it will be very low.

  • Test measurement: IR light to voltage

    canique03/28/2024 at 17:43 0 comments

    In a first test setup to measure the IR light as a voltage, the following simple circuit was used:

    VCC - IR emitter diode in reverse direction - (Testpoint T1) - 1M resistor - GND

    VCC is 2.814V

    IR emitter is a Vishay TSAL6200, max reverse current is specified with 10µA

    Note 2 things:

    1. We're not using a photodiode here which would have a higher sensitivity for IR light (it's just not available right now). An IR emitter can also act as a photodiode, although with decreased sensitivity.
    2. The multimeter that is attached to Testpoint T1 has a ~10M resistance, so a parallel resistor circuit is created here. The effective resistance is (R1xR2)/(R1+R2) = 0.91 MOhm

    Test results:

    When holding an Infrared emitter (IR remote control) very close to the TSAL6200 and while pressing buttons on the remote control, the max voltage at T1 is measured to be 770 mV. A scope would show more details here, and very probably a higher voltage.

    While nothing is pressed, under ambient light from a Philips LED (not IR), 0.13 mV is measured.

    If we change the 1M resistor to 7M5, the effective resistance is: 4.28 MOhm

    Test results:

    While the IR remote control is pressed 1140 mV are measured at max.

    While nothing is pressed, under ambient light from a Philips LED (not IR), 1.04 mV is measured.

    While holding my hand over the TSAL6200 and thereby creating a shadow, 0 mV are measured.

    Now we get an idea that even a bad receiver, which actually is an emitter, can produce a voltage of more than 1V when an IR emitter is placed only a few millimeters away.

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