

Design and creation of a Spectrum + micro. Designed for 3D printing, based on an orange pi zero2. 5" screen, mechanical keyboard, 3w ampl

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I made the design in Fusion 360 with the idea of recreating a spectrum+ with its real keyboard to simulate the games I played in my childhood.

For the simulation I used an orange pi zero2 board loaded with a Batocera system.
As for the rest of the hardware. We have a powerbank to make it portable, a 5" IPS screen and a 3w stereo amplifier with its respective mini speakers. Without forgetting a mechanical keyboard only with the dedicated letters for playing. The keyboard is connected to an Arduino micro that does the times of a xinput gamepad.
All the information about the materials, Arduino program, CAD and STL of the project can be found in the published Telegram channel.
I hope someone else can enjoy the project

Weld detail

Battery  case

Printed casing

Element composition


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  • 1
    Step 1

    Print all parts. I have printed them all oriented towards z and with organic supports. With 0.4 nozzle, 0.2 layers and 30% filling. Except on the keys and small elements I have isated layer of 0.12

  • 2
    Step 2

    Insert the M4 and M3 nuts with a fine wire soldering iron. There are 4 of M4 on the base to fix the keyboard and another 4 between the structure and the back cover. And finally 4 of M3 on the base to fix the orange pi zero2 card

  • 3
    Step 3

    Assemble all the keys and fix them in the matrix to later solder joining all the negatives. Next, solder a male dunpot wire to each key. When we do the assembly, the terminals will end up in the inputs of the Arduino pro micro

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