
16 Digit LED Display Board

An I2C Interfaced simple LED board.

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This project is an experiment to see if the LED Matrix driver chips that I have been working with for a while would work to provide a simple, low overhead, 7 segment LED display. Since it lives on an I2C bus, it has very low overhead to support it. Calling it research would be a big overstatement, noodling is a better description.
The summary is that yes, it does work, but the basic design needs to be iterated. The basic driver code that I have running on several platforms works with some serious carving.

This project started out from my looking at tomcircuit's #TI-57 Programmable Calculator Hardware Retrofit project. That project is driving a 12 digit (or so) 7 segment LED display via CPU scanning. Thinking about how it could be done without so much CPU overhead drifted into thinking about using one of the IS31FL3730 LED Matrix driver chips in a slightly off label way. In the end, this approach would not help tomcircuit's project because he is also using the scan signals to scan the keypad. The scanning done by the IS31FL3730 chip is pretty much asynchronous to anything, so it would be more work than it would be worth to try to use it in an application like that. Also, I had to play some games with the LED selection to get 16 digits from this chip.

IS31FL3730 chips will drive 2 8x8 LED matrix displays per chip. One matrix needs to be common cathode and the other needs to be common anode since the chip shares the row and column drive pins between both displays. I found some little Wurth displays that were available in both common cathode and common anode. On this board, there are 8 common cathode displays and 8 common annode displays. The displays are small enough that the PCB is not expensive. Cheap is good on this project since it does not have an intended use at this time. 

What I had envisioned on this project was that control of the segments for each digit would be in one of the 8 bit column matrix registers. A simple lookup table in the driver would map 0 to F values on input data to proper characters with 7 bits for the digit segments and 1 bit for the decimal point. When I designed the PCB for playing with this, I swapped the rows and columns, which makes the driver software become a lot less simple. 

The basic idea is still good though because the driver chips are pretty inexpensive at about $1 in lots of 10 chips. Half a dozen ceramic caps and 3 resistors don't add much to the cost. The Wurth displays (157119S12701 and 157119S12801) are $0.77 each in lots of 10. The PCBs are about $10 each from OSH Park.

When I went looking for 10 pin DIP sockets for the displays, they are scarce and expensive. I used 14 pin DIP sockets that are cheap and readily available and cut the bottom 4 pins off. There is enough space on the sockets to get a hobby razor saw between two pins to cut the socket easily.

I'm not sure what I was thinking about when I did the hardware design for the board. In my previous hardware designs that drive matrix LEDs, matrix 1 gets connected with the cathodes on the column signals and matrix 2 gets the anodes connected on the columns. In that configuration, matrix 2 uses a different character generator table from matrix 1 to rotate the characters to match the wiring. On the 7 segment board, all of the display segments got assigned on the column signals which means that segments for each digit are scattered across 8 column registers (yuck). Inside the chip, there are two sets of column registers, one for each matrix. On this board, each matrix drives 8 displays.

Also, I got the LED physical locations on the schematic placed poorly to help make sense of stuff. The schematic needs to be re-drawn and the board layout corrected.

The board works and the driver software works. In spite of the warts, it demonstrates that the idea is good.  

Bill of Materials-7Segment_LED_Noodling.csv

Bill of materials for this project.

Comma-Separated Values - 1.05 kB - 04/15/2024 at 23:29


  • New Schematic with Software Friendly Column Assignments

    Bharbour04/16/2024 at 15:05 0 comments

    A lot of the noodling projects that I do wind up being used in a real project later. In order to make it easier to re-use this idea later, I did the corrections while it was fresh in my mind. Here is the updated schematic.

    Updated Schematic Drawing
    Updated Schematic Drawing

     The major changes are:

    1) Assign the row drive signals to the LED segments, and the column drive signals to select the display to light. Inside the driver chip, there are two groups of 8 bit column control registers and in this configuration, all of the segments and the decimal point for one display are controlled from one column control register.

    2) Re-arrange the LEDs on the schematic so that matrix 1 is in the top row and the most significant digit is at the left end. Less obvious in this change is that the column select 1 signal is now selecting the leftmost digits in each group of 8 displays.

    3) Add a 470uF electrolytic cap on the power supply to help supply the current spikes that the IS31FL3730 chips generate. The scanning frequency on these chips is high enough that the electrolytic caps are not a great choice, but 470uF of ceramic caps would be large and expensive. The cap was installed on the back side of the PCB and did not require increasing the size of the board.

    Throughout this writeup, I have been using the term matrix in multiple ways. The first way is to describe the intended use for these drivers, driving an 8x8 or similar LED device which resemble a matrix. The second usage is to describe the group of column registers in the IS31FL3730 chip that control the on/off for each LED. The manufacturer data sheet for the chip refers to the group of common cathode LEDs as matrix 1 and the group of common anode LEDs as matrix 2.

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tomcircuit wrote 04/16/2024 at 02:36 point

I like the innovative way you used this driver IC to get 16 digits! I can imagine it’s more than just a bit complex with the swapped rows and columns. You’re correct that I considered trying to use a driver IC such as this for my TI-57 project, but abandoned the idea for several reasons, one being exactly the reason you stated; no (known) way to synchronize with display scanning to read the keyboard as well. Thanks for the mention!

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