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Seasonal Yoda from Home Depot
Originally retailing for $199 at Home Depot, Master Yoyo's price dipped to a low of $50 after the Christmas season. Can be found for anywhere within that range on eBay/Offerup
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Adafruit PCA9865 16 Channel Servo Controller
or a compatible clone
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ESP32-S3 (or any other Arduino-compatible MCU)
I used an Adaftruit ESP32-S3 QtPy, but any MCU that can be wired to the PCA9865 ought to do the trick. If you want standalone animation playback from the mcu, get something fast.
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Jemmy Talk board or a DC motor module
I use the Jemmy Talk from JMann on Haunt Forum as I had it on hand. You can substitute this for an l298n module, and drive the motor with arduino code.
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Optional: Secondary MCU to offload mouth animation features
If you DIY instead of get a Jemmy Talk, I recommend separating control of the mouth animations from the rest of the servos, but you do you
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Optional: 3d printer, Laser Cutter
Not mandatory, but definitely nice to have. Can also use a service to have parts printed or cut for you
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Wig hair punch tool, crepe hair
I was put off by Master Yoda being completely hairless, so we learned how to punch in stage hair.