
Sensorless Homing

A project log for Bootstrap 3D Printer

Bootstrap: A large volume 3d printer that can be built at home without requiring any custom 3d printed or machined parts.

es-pronkE/S Pronk 04/30/2024 at 19:280 Comments

Adding end-stops is easy, but only when you can make or buy something custom to fit a rail. Since I'm using 3030 extrusions, finding such parts is a pain (everything is 2020). So I am trying out "sensorless homing" which uses the StallGuard technology in the TMC5160 drivers to detect when a motor stalls due to the carriage hitting an end-block.

Just following the Klipper documentation on this goes a long way in getting it set up, the only thing I noticed that they forget to mention is that you have to make sure your belts are properly tensioned.
