
Data Stack protections

A project log for YGREC32

because F-CPU, YASEP and YGREC8 are not enough and I want to get started with the FC1 but it's too ambitious yet.

yann-guidon-ygdesYann Guidon / YGDES 11/19/2024 at 03:340 Comments

YGREC32 has several features that I described in recent articles, in particular is can "shield" the bottom of the stack from read and/or write. This means that a caller can prevent callees from extracting or altering its own state.

There is a series of articles that cover the matter:

Les « tourments de la monopile », ou le « Single-Stack Syndrome »

Une histoire des piles et de leur protection

Une (autre) pile matérielle pour le modèle bipilaire

Au-delà de la fonction : libérez tout le potentiel de la pile de contrôle !

Recently I was thinking about what happens when a function returns but its data remain "on the stack" : the next call can scan these data and extract information.

The usual approach is to flush the data on exit. This is wasteful and new functions usually start by initialising/flushing their stack frame anyway. So this would be required only for "secure" functions, but this is another slippery slope, since "what needs to be secured ?"

So here is the proposal. YGREC32 already has the read_shield and write_shield ancillary registers, that trap when reading or writing below said addresses. Their values can be updated during call and return, thanks to the protected control stack. So why not make something similar but for the addresses above the stack frame ?

The behaviour is different though :

This way :

Of course this requires cooperation with the data cache...
