Our team decided to go to LiliTime at 12pm, on a Saturday afternoon because we knew this is when the cafe would be the busiest, hence allowing us to talk to the baristas about their experiences and their main pain points. While we weren't able to interview the baristas and get their insight due to the busy time, we were able to take some notes on the ambiance of the cafe, the average sound level in terms of decibels, and the behaviors/speaking level of the customers. We noticed that most customers are working professionals on their laptops, and that the cafe is a popular spot for a date. In general, the cafe alludes a very peaceful aura that the customers are also adhering to on their own will. This assured us that our light reactive angel statue would blend in well with the existing decor and clientele.
All your projects are just logs for the same project: I strongly advise you to compile everything in your first project and delele the rest.