

A project log for UxV ground station

creative name pending

mkdxdxmkdxdx a day ago0 Comments
It's a bit disappointing when it took a lot of time to do things but these things sort of can't be shown clearly because they are not visually significant and quite messy.

More after the break.

Those input boards were put together and inside their respective case places, like this primary screen part:

And that left part with some more modules, including all the wiring between input boards and input processor:
No proper firmware for the input processor yet, but i did a little test that schematic is correct and soldering was done properly.

Then it was about the analog video signal chain:
Cramming it all together inside, adding power distribution boards:
I had to remake the frontal sidepanel that houses frontal connectors. It is now a split part and that eliminates the awkward process of installing or removing connectors for service:
Back connector panel also got some attention (again), this time for the sake of ease of connector service. I now do not have to desolder or cut anything, just pass the grounding ring and the nut through the slots and fasten everything up:
Since I have to also connect stuff to RPi, these things were made. Later i've added some JST connectors:
Trying to put everything inside for tests:
And it mostly works. Except that UVC issue and multiplexer behaves funny when second signal is connected - probably due to some overshoots.

Now i can write a proper firmware for input processor, but first it is paramount to move that analog video chain onto a separate PCB because i really do not dig how ugly it all looks when packed.
