
Automatic part 3

A project log for R2D2 & Mars Rover Robot

The ultimate robot with Arduino: a faithful replica that captures the magic of the movies, featuring both manual and automatic modes.

adrienneeadrien.nee 05/29/2024 at 21:481 Comment

With the manual part becoming a reality, we though that using the radio transmitter that we use in the manual part that we could synchronize the differents ultrasound sensors. With a master radio transmitter and two receivers controling the pulse of ultrasound, and by hiding the transmitter of the sensor on the robot, the two sensors were aware of each other! One sensor on the beacon is sending a pulse to the receiver on the robot, by analazing the datas we can calculate a distance between the robot and the beacon.

That is how we made possible the automatic part.


adrien.nee wrote 06/10/2024 at 09:53 point

The code for the automatic part but simplified are the arduino files called "ultrasons_emetteur_final" and "ultrasons_transmetteur_final". One is the transmiter and the other one is the receiver, they both need a beacon with a radio transmitter on an other arduino giving them the rythm.

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